I know what the issues are. At the risk of repeating myself (again and again and again) may be the Board didn't necessarily see that the solution was to sack the HC. Maybe the Board were left with no alternative because of something we know nothing about. Please realise that I am not making a judgement. I am a fan and have been for 60 years but you'll never convince me to pass judgement on something I know nothing about ie what has been going on within those closed walls within the last few weeks. Who knows? I agree the statement is crass but as I've said before there could be a reason for that. I'll get pilloried for this but maybe just maybe the other side of the story might actually throw some light on this matter; some light which might exonerate the Board.
But it doesn't matter what happened does it? Carrying yourself with respect, dignity and professionalism when communicating to the fan base and the sporting world should be a given. There's no compromise on that. There is no other way to behave, but sadly we chose to the route we went down and I believe all they've done is fuelled the bitterness to unprecedented levels.
Would you be happy to thank someone who you truly thought didn't deserve it? Folk need to get over this now, it's borderline pathetic.
Maybe, though considering that Daniel has been mentioned as devastated by some very trusted people, I think it seems very unlikely. There is never a reason for a company to put out a statement that is crass. Legal is one thing. Tone is something completely different.
I,m pretty sure the board know the feelings of the fans by now and think a petition is as ridiculous as their crass handling of the whole situation. We will be supporting the club long after they have gone. Time to move on now but how they will mend these bridges I'll never know.
I don't think folk need to get over it at all. It's unprofessional, smacks of disrespect, and doesn't show Barnsley FC in a good light. Why is it pathetic to want them to do better? I'm not asking for a petition to be signed, for Stendel to be reappointed, or anything like that. But the silence from the club is fuelling the bitterness amongst the fans and furthering the divide. As successful businessmen you'd think they'd know that how they're handling this situation isn't common across their football club owning peers.
Couldn't agree more. This could be mitigated in the most simple manner. Just better communication. Sadly, the longer they leave it, if they ever come back to it at all, the more it will seem disingenuous and forced. Its a comms disaster. A 21 word disaster. Pretty incredible really.
I'm utterly baffled by what's gone on. Nobody actually has much of a clue. Maybe the Board has good reason to do what they did. I don't know and I doubt many people do. I'll keep my powder dry until more is known. What I do know is that the club have amateurishly lost complete control of the narrative on this, made Stendel a martyr and put their own backs to the wall.
But you won't get what you want. You're asking for something that you can't have. Whether you think it's right or not is irrelevant, they don't care. If you're unhappy, vote with your feet.
I agree with everything you’ve said mate, I think the comments coming from fellow professionals and the media with regards the statement speaks volumes, it’s really shown us in a terrible light, no matter what went wrong at the end I think it’s unbelievably amateurish not to thank him for what he achieved last season,
Also debateable and a highly subjective comment. I think its fair to say that in my time of supporting this club, I've never seen the sacking of a manager handled so badly in the first 3 days. Nor, have I seen the positive sentiment towards that sacked manager be so close to universal. Nor, have I seen so many reasoned loyal long standing supporters be so fed up with it that they openly considered whether there was any point any more. But of course, some would, in the very unlikely possibility of 15 points from 15, revert to fickleness and forget whats gone on.... until the next balls up and the resentment and questioning would be compounded by previous negative circumstance.
This entire situatIon is debatable, which is what we're doing. My standpoint is get over it, yours is never let them forget they fuqqed up. I'm in a decent place as a Barnsley supporter and I would hate to feel how some of you guys feel right now. But my viewpoint serves me well, I can take my seat on a Saturday and cheer them on without a care in the world. It's a shame that some of you get bogged down in the running of the club, you'd be much happier if you didn't. If the running of the club calls into question the existence of the club then I'm all for hauling the board over the coals, until then, don't stress.