II suppose that shows everything is subjective. That bath cant be much more than £100 and with a very cheap plastic panel. Cheap taps. Look at things like bathstore and the other cheap poor quality mass sellers. Bathrooms are dirt cheap these days. As for those bathroom tiles in the "penthouse".... if they weren't given to then free, they've absolutely been robbed.
Depends on taste l suppose, personally don't like the tiling but like the bath. Currently looking at a kitchen and they're very similar to what we are finding at the top end. Bit gay this nar, if my missus could hear me talking abart tiles.
Been back in our house 3 months since we finished a kitchen extension project... I'd give Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen a run for his money.... though his dress style would be well steered clear of!
Oof, ral 7016 aluminium sliding doors- someone wanted to look like they had been creative! Doesn’t appear that they’ve got an acceptable threshold detail on those pics- condensation, damp and splash back city.
Well the therapy sessions from having to deal with builders for 5 months are going fairly well so far.... And i've certainly no money left to hide after the project! Though I have just painted the interior of my second downstairs fireplace in a delightful wine red colour.... Huguenot by Mylands Paints.... brass wine racks to contrast and finished off with Ammonite F&B paint on the outer.... truly a joy as I transition from living room to kitchen..... Hmm... more therapy required!
Current soon takes them away. I could bet you a quid that theres one laid out now on the benches outside Soul Lounge. Still be there on my way home unless hes found some bus fare.
I live in a penthouse duplex in Leeds centre and this is absolutely untrue- I often sit on the terrace and watch it kicking off.
Good point. Some more affordable flats around town may help though. A lot of folks do commute to Leeds / Sheffield & being in town appeals to a lot of younger folks. Town seems really dead these days on the few times I've visited on a night, the suburbs of Barnsley seem to do a bit better. How they genuinely regenerate the town centre needs some looking at, I'm not sure masses of retail is the answer, with Meadowhall.
A lot of landlords who live in London mostly own these apartments to rent out to folk in Barnsley. They don't want to spend too much money on quality fittings and fixtures.
Going back around 7 years I lived up at gateway plaza's, 2 bed apartment facing onto that internal courtyard area up on the 10th floor. Anyhow one bank holiday Sunday we're having a few beers on the balcony when from the adjoining block around 3 floors below someone shouts "Oi, fellas, you got some bog roll? we've run out!" We looked down and it's none other than David Perkins and Jim Mcnulty! Looked like Perkins was about to **** himself! So we expertly threw some bog roll off the balcony down to them and saved the day! Bumped into Perkins quite frequently, he was seeing an absolute stunning lass at the time!