After a tumultuous international break I was wondering, as we go into today's match how would you summarise your feelings about the situation at the club in, let's say, 21 words. I'll go first: As a lapsed supporter I’m greatly saddened by the manner of Stendel’s departure but over time I’ll probably accept this too.
After this season ends, I intend to separate from my season ticket, unless the current owners separate from my beloved club.
Nothing, No comment No comment No comment No comment No comment No comment No comment No comment, just like the board...
I see stars and stripes, Hot dogs, pretzels and sodas, the league two matchday experience in two years. Mark my words.
Teams go up and teams go down. Managers come and managers go. Players are bought and sold. I'm still here though.
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated
Let's go one stage further and use Haikus... I'll start...... The owners are poor So we should not blame Stendel. Look forward not back!
July 1998. January 2017. October 2019. Three betrayals. Too many. Nothing to fix your loyalties to here - time to move on.
I'm really finding it hard to motivate getting my arse off the settee to go having been a season ticket for 20 years. To being a casual fan last season to being a armchair fan this season . Thought this would be my first game this season but on the fence still
Barnselee Barnselee Barnselee, Barnselee Barnselee Barnseleey Barnselee Barnselee Barnselee Barnseleey Barnselee Get behind the lads this afternoon COME ON YOU REDS
In the words of one of Conway's countrymen, former NFL wide receiver Terrell Owens... "They claim to be first class and the best organization. It is an embarrassment and it shows the lack of class"
We've lost coach Dan Who resonated with every fan Players were sold Lack of experience told Hopefully Conway'll follow by Jan
I like others question the boards motives and their long term plans for the club. However, training time and then pub.
This great club survived the miners strike in 84-85,administration nearly saw its demise also but it rose again stronger .COYR
Not stiking up for the board with this post ,these clowns will soon be gone and our beloved team will rise again ,
The lack of further words and apparent bad way Strendel has been treated is pushing me to watching Wakefield Trinity instead.
As dissapointing as it is that stendels gone some folk are acting like they have been given 24 hours to live