I think they should now consider writing this season off and starting talks with Woodrow and Mowatt about whether they want to stay or leave in january. It's that bad.
How can we expect him to kick the ball in the net when he can’t even kick it to his team mates most of the time. Was terrible last season but got away with it because we were winning. Not good enough
The lad sure does have a remarkable ability to find row Z from 6 yards. Time and time and time again. It's amazing how shi.t he is at putting chances away as a professional footballer.
What happened to Styles He looked decent the few times he has made the first team - seems to have disappeared now
can't see why we are persisting with at the moment, yes he takes up good positions but he just can't hit the proverbial cows arse.
Not that I rate McGeehan at this level, I don't think he's up to the Championship at all and didn't believe he would be having seen him in League 1, but he's not alone in being a poor finisher. Other than Woodrow and possibly Brown if he weren't playing left back, our shooting is woeful.
Think he looks worse than the others because he is consistently missing chances that most of us would have put away at his age.
I recon I would put them away now never mind at his age - not that I would be fit enough to run into position for the chance mind
If he hadn't skied his latest sitter it would have been 1 all and a different game. We know he isn't good enough for this level. He himself if he's honest with himself will know he is lucky to be able to call himself a championship player. Yet somehow he keeps getting starts.