It wasn’t too long ago that the Lib Dem’s list their deposit for aiding Tory policy ie Austerity . It seems some have very short memories or low principles . But imo the majority will vote as they see things and imo that is Tory Hypocrisy and lies and see through their lies as we always have done
Easy one this mate - Corbyn Tory voters, even those that voted remain will still vote Tory rather than vote for Corbyn as they see Corbyn as an old school socialist with a tax and spend mentality - someone that penalises aspiration by taxing heavily the more you earn - I live just outside London and have done since 1986 - 90pct of my family and friends vote Tory and around 10pct vote Labour - most of my family/friends voted remain but will vote Tory in the next election as the alternative is Corbyn - even the 10pct Labour family/friends see Corbyn as merely a high profile protester, a puppet for Momentum and the Unions - and are desperate to see Corbyn replaced by any Labour MP that is occupying the middle ground - Labour need to win middle England like Blair did to win an election and they have no chance whatsoever with Corbyn in charge - he is the Tories best hope of winning the election - while he remains the Tories, supported by the press will win the next election pretty comfortably imo
Funny that because the Tories were saying the exact same thing about Blair and Milliband . People will se through these Tory fables . It’s funny that it’s the Tories in charge whilst the countries going to pot yet still trying to blame the opposition . The Sun and Mail are doing a fine job by looks .
The Unions are not the Devils incarnate you know. They represent their members and strive to look after them as best they can. They keep being accused of being dinosaurs yet visit their websites and in particular the TUC’s Unionlearn website for their online and facilitated learning modules. It is this Govts attitude to the TU movement that is stuck in the past
I suggest you go to one of his many rallies and actually listen to him instead of judging him from what you read about him. He is a once in a lifetime politician. Everyone wants an honest not in it for himself politician, now you have one, back him!!
So could he just be honest and say he wants to leave the EU and not pretend he's suddenly changed his lifelong tune. The meeting of 6 the other day was deeply worrying.
Just one answer to that Len McClusky more left wing than Stalin more of a Dinosaur than a bloody Brontosaurus.
But but but the daily mail and the sun told me he's a terrorist sympathizer/weak/loony lefty/communist
Here we go again, look at the work he does for his Union. The way politics are in this country at the moment make Tony Blair look like a left- winger. This country needs to be very careful, as we are looking at worker’s rights going backwards by 100 years and that’s not project fear it’s a stark reality. I truly believe that a Boris Johnson- led Govt. with an effective majority would go all out to destroy and legislate against the whole TU movement.
Hate to break everyones hearts in here but no one out side of south yorkshire gives a toss about the mines and dont still live in the 80's so will vote for who they want. The mindless tory bashing on here is pathetic. We all remember the state blair and brown left the country in yes?? We all know corbin is a clown and simply unelectable yes?? Its a proper joke. Go to goldthorpe and burn ur maggie effigies with the rest of the brain deads on 31st.....
Yes you are right. There’s definitely no socialism or anyone who thinks we should look after one and other outside South Yorkshire. I mean there must have been some amazing vote rigging at the last election when all those labour MP’s were elected. Id say you need to get out of your bubble. I’d hate to break it you but the bankers crashed the economy, that was worldwide, but you choose to believe the daily mail. well done you. And ps. The brain dead’s appears to be supporting the brexit party this time around.
I think your reference to Ed Milliband actually reinforces my point: we chose the wrong person. He was seen and often portrayed as a wet blanket and had no presence whatsoever. If it came to it would you rather not have a "Blairite" ish type who would stand a chance of winning an election or prefer we perpetually exist under a tory government? I know the nhs was a good place to work under blair, never had an issue with budgets and safe staffing. It's horrific now and has been for the last 5 years or so.
The banks didn’t sell off the country’s gold reserves for a pittance.... just before the price went up....
So selling a bit of gold below its peak in the unknown future caused the global financial crash of 2008?
er I dont think so mate - Brown Balls et al had no clue how the banking system worked and completely failed to get the proper regulatory framework in place - he admitted this himself, that was after he had doubled the debt and sold off all the gold for the square root of **** all -