If you don’t think so that definitely makes you correct. I mean it wasn’t as if if the crash happened all over the developed world or anything.... that Gordon brown and his gold eh, the cheeky scamp.
It makes Brown culpable - unless you don't believe what he has actually said himself? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13032013
Corbyn says: -when no deal off the table -when date of election can be fixed in law -when rights of students to vote can be guaranteed Then Lab will support an election I.e. they will amend election bill tomorrow on these grounds. Lab's position is so convoluted, the average voter just won't understand it. How can they say this Govt is so bad for 2+ years, and then refuse a GE to oust it?
thanks for that. It appears to back up my opinion quite nicely. It was a worldwide problem that everyone got wrong. I’m glad we could agree.
I think your missing the point , it was the media’s interpretation then the public’s just as Corbyn . I know people who were smitten by his policies and labours vision who are now quoting the media’s incessant twaddle .
It’s only mindless and pathetic if your a Tory . The media’s spew about Labour is mindless and pathetic because it isn’t true it’s taken them years to grate on people’s minds and unfortunately it’s worked on some .
Voting on a single issue rather than the wide range of issues it should be fought on, but we will end up with the Tories for another 5 years because of it. All because people are happy to believe nonsense posted about Jeremy Corbyn which no one challenges in the media etc cos it’s all owned by Billionaires that run the media. The BBC is just as bad now too.
So we need a legally binding referendum to sort out the Brexit mess and then an election to sort out the HoC mess.
Thank you for putting that so well, I’ve argued the same myself. There are loads in denial on here and blame it on working class tories, the right wing press, little englanders and worse. The reality is that we don't want a terrorist sympathising hard left anti semite nor his hard left pals leading the party. Some folk will vote for car tyre if it has the labour candidacy. We don't want whats on offer, we’re none of the labels you throw at us, labour are currently unelectable.
There is only one point: labour cannot get in power with Corbyn at the helm. The right are winning the media/social media battle, not only here but all over the world. This is our reality and it will not change any time soon. We need someone who would make this difficult. Trump, Boris, Putin and the Brazilian president who makes them all look a bit moderate in comparison. No chance with Corbyn and that is the only point.
As I feared, this thread has changed to one that is slagging Corbyn off by quite a lot of posts. If that's how you feel, then so be it, but I don't feel this can be the real reason, as as was posted above, Ed Milliband got similar treatment, albeit not against Johnson himself.
socialist principles and policies. As far as I know no one on here lives in Islington so they aren’t voting for Corbyn anyway! I’m pretty sure we vote for the candidate who matches as closely as possible our own values and principles as possible.
I think there are two caveats ... one is our perception of aligning values, such is the depth of untruth now, and secondly there are a growing number more than ever who don’t vote on policy and detail but who they like the look of for whatever reason. And of course you get tactical voting in some marginals too
tactical voting aside, where at least some intelligence and research must have taken place it’s a sad fact you are correct. following one issue parties, parties whose leader you think is on your side is a bit daft but I can see many people do it. blindly putting a cross in the same box every time isn’t bad if you believe that vote is well cast for genuine reasons. I’ve never voted Tory and never will because I believe in my lifetime they won’t ever align their policies with mine but I’m fully prepared to be challenged by my local candidates on what they represent, issues that are important etc.... and then il go vote labour! .... the last bit was tongue in cheek before you all kick off!
It’s not the only point though is it . If it were anyone else the media would find something to grind its audience down to think as they want them to. That’s the only point . Bacon Sandwich ring any bells . I actually know someone who wouldn’t vote him for that reason . The consensus wasn’t against him till the media campaign and that’s a fact .
Take it you don't get out much. Farnham is SW Surrey, isn't it? ... if so then 50%+ of your neighborhood voted for Jeremy *unt, so really not sure why you're having a hissy fit about the polls. Just need to move closer to Oakwell