The man with all the peace prizes is none of those things you absolute numpty. You should all take a very long hard look at Farage's history and especially Mr Johnsons recent record, what does Johnson have to do to be seen as he is? ****'s sake.
Come on... the peace prizes are from socialist/republican organisations so only socialist/republicans can win them.
Mindless Tory bashing, are you for real? The irony that you use Brampton in your name a place where the vindictive and destructive Tory Assault began. It is the Tories thatlive in the 1980’s with their continuous assault on Labour controlled councils. Barnsley Council with a 40% cut on it’s budget, how dare it’s inhabitants criticise the Tories. This post and the people who like it or nothing but feckin morons to try and deny what the Tories have and continue to do to this area.
I just feel any Labour leader who is left of centre would get this sort of treatment by the media. I get people don't like Corbyn (though genuine reasons why would be good to know - but not in this thread), but my main point being Milliband got similar treatment suggesting it's not about Corbyn as people have suggested. I've worded that badly, but I hope you understand my logic.
You're right to say the prevailing right wing media are going to go after a centre to centre left to left to far left leader. But that's not the whole story. There are people who genuinely dislike the man, his advisors, his support structure and enablers, his policies and look at the shadow cabinet in waiting and shudder. Then you look at the cabinet benches and shudder. I don't recall a worse time in politics. And whatever questions I was asked politically, I don't see how my answers would involve labour anymore. I voted Blair, Brown and Milliband (well... technically I voted Harman) but after 2 abstentions, I'll be voting in a non labour way next time.
Dianne Abbott I grant you, but is one Dianne Abbott as bad as Gove, Johnson, May, Hunt and Grayling? I don't see any issue with the others - I actually like McDonnell.
Burgon, Long-Bailey, Ashworth, Rayner, McDonald, Trickett… frightening. That's without mentioning Abbott, McDonnell or Corbyn. Then you've plenty who are unknown. As I said, I look across and see liars, frauds, charlatans and socio paths. But that doesn't make me want to vote Labour as a staunch pro European. (oh and may hunt and grayling aren't in govt anymore... its much much worse!)
Don’t be too sure on that , there’s plenty that don’t buy into the media’s game plan . And there’s more people against Brexit than are getting credit for . Just because a few around here have bought into the Sun and Mail and ITV and are repeating their bile that it’s councils fault for the Tory cuts etc. May was gonna cakewalk the last election but there’s plenty not brainwashed .
The bloke that ran that election campaign for Labour (did an excellent job) stated this morning that Corbyn had no chance. You aren't going to change anyone's opinions either sadly.
Again, what does Johnson have to do to be seen as the chancer he is? Gives his ex 120k grant, nothing. Lies to the queen & parliament, nothing, promises Leaving the EU by hallowe'en, not his fault?? Literally lied about everything during Brexit campaign, resigned over May's deal which was better than the one he's trying to force through!! Proven liar time & time again. Seriously this is the man of the people? FFS.
I prefer not to get involved in political discussions on here, or in real life. However, I have to disagree with you on this point. I have lived in the USA for the last 23 years; the last 3 with Trump and the previous 8 with Obama in charge. How can you say the main stream media, social media, social media companies in silicon Valley, etc. are right-leaning, with the coverage both the above presidents have received?
I’m not after changing anybody’s opinion I’m stating it’s not all as the media would have people some believe .