There’s plenty hate the Tories they’re not all the “ I’ve voted labour all my life but“ etc etc types .
I'm not referring to silicon valley i'm referring to the ridiculous tripe that came from russia and eastern europe, a lot of the damaging propaganda that had a significant impact on Clinton's campaign. One of the sites was traced to a 17 year old from montenegro who had made around 150k from advertisers.
Yes we know that but we also know that that hordes of people believe what they read without question.
Many of it's winners are of a certain political persuasion. The last winner was recognised for his work with the palestinian's and rightly so. So definitely a theme running here.
I meant the media making people believe that the majority are believing the media when lots are making they’re own minds up and seeing the Tories for what they are.
That's not what i'm seeing from many people i know on my social media feeds unfortunately. Pretty sickening but that's a reality.
Well we’ll see soon enough , I hope you’ll be giving those social media some I told you so if their nominees do get in and start biting .
The bigger point is: who wins that war? do we idly give up the running of the world to Trump Putin or Hitler just because they’re good at propaganda or do we fight for truth to be heard? genuine question btw. Because I’m really stuck here
Because ‘get brexit done’ is a strong simple clear message Corbyn does not have a clear message. His policies are also too far left to win votes in my opinion. clear messages win elections, and leaders that connect - labour have neither
those same policies that increased labours share of the vote in 2017? a net gain of 30 seats, a share of the vote of 40% its highest vote share since 2001. those policies.
The problem with people like DA & JC is they are actually very highly thought of in their own constituencies as very hard working MP’s who have done much more than most locally, but too many people lack confidence in them as leaders of this country. Right or wrong that’s the harsh reality in today’s world of image.
I think that may have been partly down to the ineptitude of the opposition. He campaigned very well too and I admit he connected with younger voters. Is that enough to win an election though? I just think that a strong central ground leader would clean up against the Tory party. I appreciate it’s difficult as brexit is divisive and cuts through parties but the Tories have been in absolute disarray and for them to be left in a winning position is pretty criminal I think. there is a lot of right wing press around that spout ******** but I don’t think Corbyn’s policies go down very well with the middle class vote.
listening to some on here corbyns policies dont seem to sit well with the working class who've got a quid instead of 50p it seems,. socialist policies and principles, working for the common good of the country. I cant see whats wrong in that. The more the daily mail tell everyone how bad Corbyn would be the more that makes me want him to be PM. will he win? i doubt it actually but thats not to say il not be supporting the labour party, its about more than the leader. its about how i want the country run and how that country treats all its people not those fortunate enough to earn 100k a year. As stated above however the shitshow of brexit is dividing political parties, splitting the vote and therefore will decide the next election. sad times.
The big question for me is what will Labour do when the full impact of their muddled messaging and poor leadership and communication is put to the public at the forthcoming GE? I think multiple things happened last time. Firstly, May absolutely fell apart and under very tightly controlled limited scrutiny, she came across as completely inhuman, then the pledge disaster of the "death tax". In addition, it was early days post Brexit and a good deal of people supported Labour thinking they were still a pro European party. I don't think Johnson is as popular as he thinks he is, not enough to sweep a massive majority at least. But I just dont see where labour win seats. If you are pro European, you vote LD, SNP or Green. If you are pro Brexit, you either vote for the tories or if you thing Johnson has lied and failed, you shift to the Brexit psychopaths. Its evident in social media, I'm seeing huge amounts of Labour campaigners aiming hits at the LibDems and not the tories. It feels like they want to retain as much vote as possible rather than win more. Will Corbyn be removed? Would he listen this time rather than when he had votes of no confidence? I can see McCluskey trying to prop him up further, but surely the other unions would expect a change of direction and to utilise some of the wisdom and experience being wasted on the back benches (if they keep their seats).
Everybody has their level, Corbyn and Abbott may well be competent local MP’s but as leaders if the opposition they’re boxing well above their weight and won’t win a GE. Everybody wants a fairer society but the hard left policies of the current labour party aren’t what the country wants or needs. The taking from the haves to dole out to the have nots isn't realistic however appealing to the happy clappers it may be. It wont get votes. And being blind to labours shortcomings : whilst writing off those of us who can see them as working class tories or daily mail subscribers will only serve to keep Corbyn at the helm and therefore the tories in power for longer.
If the policies of the Labour Party are hard left, I suggest it's you that has lurched more to the right than you will admit!
They are all bent self-serving tw@ts, whichever party you’re allegiance may lie. Don’t have to look too far from your doorstep for a typical example, Dan Jarvis