I would honestly prefer if it had to be one or the other a Tory MP be returned than Brexit party . The Brexit party are Extreme Right wing Tories . They are recruiting ex Labour Party members who are more about their own status tgan what. They stand for .
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...laims-nhs-remain-economic-crash-a8724641.html ID does not guarantee anti fraud even ID can be fraudulent hence passports copied and used etc , driving liscences etc etc . We should be ensuring anyone who can vote gets the chance to vote not putting obstacles up to the less able or privileged . The Tories shouting for certain ID is not for Democratic reasons it’s for exclusion
It does but guess what the Tories media machine will then turn its attention on seducing them to blame labour councils .
Why is bbc news still saying that new 50p coins will be in use once the country leaves the EU? Surely if the country was leaving it would have left by now. Is it a done deal that the UK has left and only a matter of time until its done? If so I can only hope the SNP have their act together and have plans in place for independence and remaining within the EU.
I think you are probably right. I also think that once departure is confirmed most people will care little about the transition period or the terms of any future trade deal. The exception I suppose would be if there was a direct threat to the NHS. Sadly, it will probably be a sneaky one.
The Brexit party want no deal at all and that’s why they’ll compete with the Tories in theory . But imo they’ll carry the momentum of their campaign of hate in the labour areas and try to stifle the labour vote .
They are currently being shredded and melted down at a cost to the country of £11 million.....add this to the £100+ mill (some reports say nearer 150) that Boris has spaffed up the wall paying his mates in advertising for Get ready for Brexit ads.....plus the £10+ on ferry companies with no ferries...etc...etc.
The paywalled article makes reference to spending irregularities not voting fraud from what i could read. A number of which were withdrawn/exhonourated if i recall correctly. Did Momentum? I cant see that names of any Tory staff with convictions though. You keep banging the drum of vunerable people not having ID. So how did they get their bank accounts or benefits... The simple thing is all measures should be taken to prevent voter fraud however minimal the risk. And if this involves ID then so be it. Wouldnt you agree?
Do you actually read the tripe you spout? You should be in JC’s cabinet! Although you may need to have been to public school.... If JC wins an election, I will show my arse on town hall steps! I will then leave the country.
This new bill for an election may yet be withdrawn if Stella Creasey's amendment on it's programme motion is passed (voting now).
Just think if JC was a creditable alternative leading a creditable party against the tories. Unfortunately he’s a shambles who’s gone against his principles and working class voters when it comes to Brexit. Lets hope he gets what he deserves.
Of course you do know that its only the tories who have their noses in the trough, there are no labour politicians willing to sell their electorate out in the furtherance of their own careers, didnt you know that, there are enough deluded labour supporters who swallow the party narrative on here to let you know. Put Barnsley first, like Iilsley did, nar too much to ask that pal. I inly hope that those who vote labour cos their dad did step up and vote them out of Barnsley for good