There should be no MPs doing wrong , your just widening the debate because your not coming over on the others imo . Not one person on here has said wrongdoing is ok not one , But you excuse the Tories by ranting that labour are doing it . If any MP is wrongdoing whatever colour it’s wrong I won’t be excusing it by trying to justify another party .
Of course I’d agree on that but not the way you and the Tories are proposing because it’s exclusionism rather than fraud preventative . There’s other ways of preventing fraud other than excluding the people who would most likely vote agaibst the people who want them excluded .
we get absolutely rammed at work when a GE is called, added with the xmas traffic and a strike looming! should be fun
This could be interesting if the brexit party PLC get a few seats. Boris deal will not be brexit enough for them so might vote against it, as will all the others..... this could run and run still !!
The Lib Dem’s are saying the only way to solve this is take it back to the people , If there’s another hung parliament this time I’d probably agree with them .
So a dislike for Jeremy corbyn is talking through my arse? You really are deluded... are you actually Jeremy himself?
Big problem for me : - I don`t like the idea of not voting. I think that too many people through history have fought to give us all the right to vote. - By instinct I`m a remainer but resigned to wanting us to strike the best deal we can get (if possible). - Never thought of myself as a socialist. - Abhore the idea of the Brexit Party getting in because of votes being split amongst other viable options. - Can`t swallow the lies and deception of Boris. What do I do - sensible responses preferred !
I suppose it all depends on where you live and what options you have regarding candidate choices. From what you say of your views I'd be looking for a non tory remainer to vote for.
You don’t need photo ID to open a bank acct or claim benefits. To answer the next point; all fraud prevention should be appropriate and proportional. we put 10x more effort into benefit fraud as tax fraud even though there’s about 100x more lost through tax fraud. it doesn’t matter how you dress that up, it’s a simple matter of the law leaning towards those who are already privileged. Requiring photo ID to vote looks the same from here, dressed up as ‘fraud prevention’ when in fact it simply disenfranchises many. And if memory serves, UK electoral fraud has been mostly around postal votes and people being registered in multiple constituencies. Photo ID does nothing to address either of those actual ‘risks’. I’m all for fraud prevention but let’s take a risk based approach to be sensible.
Assuming you live in Barnsley with this response then its tricky. If Labour don't hold the seat I could only see it going Brexit party. If you vote for anyone else it's a wasted/protest vote at best.
A lot of the replies on her Twitter feed recently are people telling her they won't vote for her again because "leave means leave"
I could not give her my vote. I did read up about her on Google. Bit of a chancer I think. You might just have a problem on voting day.
Farting again ? And no it wasn’t for your dislike of Jeremy Corbyn it’s for your rant and rave and accusations.
If you're a remainer at heart then the only party in England that fits that bill is the Lib Dems. They were also the last non-labour party to have a Barnsley MP (1930's I believe)