I would like there to be a box on my ballot form where I could put a cross which went something on the lines of none of the above.I was traditional labour but cannot vote for Corbyn,Abbot et al.
To some staunch labour voters in this district if a lump of cheddar cheese and a frying pan was their candidate they would vote for them because "i've always voted labour and always will"
Doesn't answer the question though! That's the case with most parties not just Labour - I'll be voting Labour in Liverpool and I can give you plenty of reasons why - not one of them involves who my parent's voted for
That's the thing isn't it, I hear a lot people make these comments then when you ask who and why they will be voting they don't have a answer. I too will be voting Labour, I'm not a big fan of Corbyn and I have serious doubts as to Labour winning a election with him at the helm. But when I look at my options the best one for me is still Labour. Sadly a few discussions I have heard today have people in Banrlsey saying they can't wait to vote for the Brexit party. We want out ect.
With a majority of over 13,000 Stephanie Peacock for Barnsley East is unlikely to lose her seat. Many people round here will never consider voting Conservative. My prediction is that the majority will be halved - with most of the defections going to the Brexit Party if they put forward a candidate. The SNP and Liberals have a cunning plan along with Greens for tactical voting - the Brexit Party will have to come to some sort of deal with the Tories if they want to keep them out. Aaron Banks is willing to do that, but good old Nigel Farage is having none of it. Most probable outcome - no one party with overall majority. LIb-Lab coalition is possible but the Libs have pinned their hopes on the Remainers - they are the only party who have said they will ignore the referendum and stay in the EU. They will get more votes than the Brexit party....it's going to be messy again
This is a nailed on Tory victory. It’s a ‘Brexit Election’ nothing else will matter. So Labour are royally screwed. - Johnson gets his withdrawal deal through. - we then have around three years discussing......Brexit. Starting with the bun fight leading up to June where Britain has to ask for an extension to the transition arrangements which end in Dec 2020. - etc etc etc. Those who vote Tory to ‘get Brexit done’ (as they will) are very seriously deluded. It will consume vast amounts of energy for years to come. But never mind that nonsense. We have to move on and the important task now is to get a commitment from the Torres to: A) an independence vote in Scotland and: B) a Border Poll in N Ireland. Ergo. The end of the UK.
Never thought I'd live to see the day but I think Labour could loose at least 2 of the 3 Barnsley seats ( I know Penistone is currently Liberal due to that traitorous bitxh Smith switching but voted Labour last time round).
I'm not sure it's quite as clear as that...particularly in Northern Ireland...I read a lot of the Irish press and if they are right this election will be interesting as far as the DUP and Sinn Fein are concerned. Apparently the DUP are coming under pressure from the Official Ulster Unionist Party and both DUP and SF are pressured by the Alliance Party who are non sectarian....interesting stuff.
agree with you on this, NI til the last election was much more fractured and had representation from every party. I think dominance for DUP and slightly less, Sinn Fein was an abnormal result. I don’t think a Tory bribe will get them many votes after this election... here’s hoping anyway.
Not sure that’s my reading of what’s likely to happen. My Nostradamus qualities tell me the UUP will make gains at the DUPs expense. Mrs Foster is not going to be forgiven easily for falling for the ‘charms’ of Mr Johnson. She shouldn’t beat herself up about it. Several million English people are about to make the same error. As for Sinn Fein. They are heading for their best electoral result since they won 73 of the 105 seats contested in the last All Ireland election in 1918.