We actually have a CEO now yet we now hear seemingly less than when Conway was standing in. Honestly what have they improved at the club since joining. Match day experience exactly the same as it’s always been a weakened team no communication. Glad they said they wouldn’t do anything silly when they joined, could only imagine how much worse things would have got otherwise.
Just for clarification, the Fans Forum isn’t a general free for all Q&A like a Trust Meeting, it’s a meeting with an agenda where issues are raised in advance and fed back by the club. Obviously we’ll be raising some communication issues of late, but it isn’t a vehicle for folk to have a right good moan. Save that for Twitter.
Why have Daniel Stendel's efforts and achievements at the club not been recognised? Why is communication between the club and the fans probably at its lowest ever? Will the people who target potential signings ever consider tweaking the plan and signing quality/experienced players? Where are the millions of pounds of profit made over the summer via player sales and promotion and season ticket sales and sponsorship gone?
In the bin definitely. Probably get their name jotted down on a piece of paper and stuck on the naughty list as well.
Raised in advance so they have plenty of time to pre prepare their answers, instead of trying to think on their feet.
Actually that's not true. I haven't sent any questions in advance apart from to the first one. Obviously if you post them on here rather than messaging them then they will have prior knowledge of them. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. It means that you get an answer perhaps on the night than afterwards. Most of the time though I have a mixture of stuff posted on here and things that have been sent to me privately. They all get asked. They all get answered. I try my best to get a satisfactory answer and follow up where they have been dodged and then try and dictate what was said almost word for word afterwards a a report. Its a fair bit of time between collating, going to the meeting (I live in York and currently work in Birmingham), and putting together a report. So honestly reading some of this drivel on here I really feel like Im wasting my time. I asked for volunteers to go to this one and represent the bbs at this since I'll be on holiday. I've had 2 people come back to me (sorry for not getting back to you @gosportyke ). All this moaning and groaning and two people prepared to go and ask the questions on behalf of the BBS. Honestly feel like I'm wasting my time.
Personally i really applaud you for the all effort you are clearly putting in. It probably is a waste of time in the sense the owners will clearly continue to do whatever they feel suits them best.
Gally, no worries, we are all busy mate. If you want me to go let me know as I am more than happy to go
Some of them are a bit badly worded to get a meaningful answer to be fair, but we’ll have a go. See Gallys post
It's great that you're prepared to go and give up your time. I for one like to read your after meeting posts.
Think Gally et al do an excellent job! My question is has any consideration been given to having reduced admission prices for those who may have difficulty paying full price. Not easy to formulate and implement I know but it wouldn't bother me if someone in straitened circumstances was getting in cheaper than me.
I think this is one of the best ways forward & I appreciate the efforts. Will be very interested to read some replies. This level of communication is the only way forward as I see it. Thanks for all involved. Let's cut to the chase, but be constructive in our questioning. A slanging match will get us nowhere. I've posted my views on here plenty, but don't expect the board or the CEO to reply on here. I do hope the sort of questions raised are listened to & something good comes out of it. Up to now the prgress of this season has left us all rightly skeptical.