Martin Devaney said the U 23 played well. the older experienced players out of first team settled them down...." Then Murray, fed up of this ....young team..... Naivety... They have to stand up and learn and show some maturity or this league will bury them. So do we as Fans think we are going to survive with what the Board have fetched in. No disrespect to the young team but are they going to get buried???
You never know with football but the odds seemed stacked against them. I fear we will be cut adrift before the end of November let alone Christmas. Had Stendel stayed and the board backed him possibly but their collective disregard of his requests to strengthen the squad and treatment of him when he made reasonable requests( that any manager would have made) were rejected out of hand makes me thing the club is a business enterprise and only that. The board seem clueless on running a football club and it's supporters. Running a business and making money seems their only goal....every pun intended.
Some of these lads will be championship players maybe be one day but certainly not all of them and certainly not yet. We got lots of hype about best transfer window etc this summer. But remember Jordan Green? he was gonna be a world beater and now the lad can't even get a game! I think lots of things have gone off behind the scenes that we don't know about, but the way the club treated DS sums up the boards attitude to the fans . It's the old mushroom effect - keep them in the dark and then now and again feed them sh _ t.
I think your right but imo the board have shot themselves in the foot . They want premier football but choke off any chance they have . If the board had brought in the few players we needed to mix in with the young players we already have , imo with the popularity of the manager the feel good factor of the fans from last season and the whole town at the back of them this could have been a great season . These are supposed to be money men with a good business acumen behind them but they were too blind to see what could have been , I’m not saying we would have got promotion no one can predict that even with money thrown at it but for the first time in years there was a good feeling in town and these so called business men failed to recognise or tap into it and that to me says either something else other than football interests them or they haven’t a clue how football works in this country . The feel good factor would have brought many more pod and would have been worth at least a point a game before a ball was kicked . Their next move intrigues me and we’ll see their intentions whether they unite behind the town because that’s what the football club is or alienates the town and blunder their way to a paltry profit and bleed it dry .
Till the fat gurt sings I will believe. But that`s just me straw clutching. The board have done nowt to aid our survival mindst and may well stick another obstacle in our way by selling Woodrow and Mowatt.
It seems odd that the board will just sit back and watch relegation, and lose£6 million plus in income. Seems a crazy way of making money.