i hope anyone else who isn't considering voting for labour feels the need to not vote too, this could work out very well !!
I hope as many people who dont vote labour vote brexit party instead. Reasons? the deal Johnson has isn't brexit enough for them. they argue amongst themselves and the saga continues until we put it back to the people. This election will hopefully show everyone what a charlatan Johnson really is.
The self proclaimed genius, Cummings has made a big error. He purposefully denied A pact with Farage in the leave vote considering him toxic. he’s purposefully aimed to unify the leave vote around the tories but missing the deadline the notional exit date, they’ve instantly shaved a good amount of vote back to Bxp. I saw a few media threads yesterday and pro Johnson believers had quickly turned. when you consider tories have lost Ruth Davidson, have ex tories standing as independents, have several insanely tight marginals and an expected Lib Dem bounce, I’m not sure where they make up the short fall if they can’t steal back the bxp vote
I did read that MI6 had warned the Tories off an election pact with the BxP due to ongoing investigations into senior figures associated with them... Although, when Johnson was made Foreign Secretary, MI6 was taken from the FO due to "issues" about some of the people he was associating with (rich Russians in Italy)... And Cummings is a genius - "a person regarded as exerting a powerful influence over another for good or evil." - just not in the most common meaning of the word.
The middle of December is going to be cold and dark - far too uncomfortable for the over 70's to leave their homes. This may cost the Tories dearly, and if the oldies don't vote I for one will be absolutely delighted.
I don't know why people keep going on about the dark and cold. There is this simple thing called a postal vote. I'm going to be in Hamburg. But my vote will have been cast well before then.
That may be a national average but up here it's higher... at the 2017 GE....York's & Humberside was 1 in 5, the North East 1 in 4...with postal voters returning between 80 and 90%.
Tenner an hour for inexperienced kids will put businesses off hiring them as they will prefer those with experience if they are to pay so much. One year paid maternity leave might make business owners more likely to hire a man knowing he will never need to be paid to miss a year. Ending right to buy when it's helped so many people get on the property ladder. Building a million new houses in five years but let's see that done without ruining the countryside. Raising the highest tax bracket the big earners will feel they are being penalised for excelling in life. Free to park at hospitals will just mean people visiting nearby will park there even though they aren't going to the hospital. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10239522/general-election-boris-johnson-vote-news/ They think they have a chance of getting Penistone and Stocksbridge.....
So 6 policies out of 200...5 of which will help ordinary people, 1 which will redress the balance with richer people
How many people will vote on the dozens of issues in how to run our own country, NHS and health which is close to being privatised under US control, has thousands of nurse vacancies and funding cuts, Homlessness on the increase and few affordable homes built, crime on the increase over 50% in our area not investigated and 15% increase in council tax for the privilege, our council underfunded, more charges to OAPs ie TV licence, investment in industry and innovation to make use a nation which a product to offer, attract FDI, ......... Or maybe vote on a single topic that will NOT govern how our country is run in future.
Yes cos it makes sense that health care professionals pay huge parking fees just so scumbags can’t take advantage of a bit of free parking. im sorry but this is a sad sign of what the worlds coming to. We can’t do decent things for decent people because peevish arseholes are afraid that someone ‘undeserving’ might take advantage. this is the result of not such thing as society’. here’s a tip: if you want to live in a world full of decent people, it starts at home. It’s as simple as we all have to do our bit to be decent, don’t wait for others to prove they deserve it.
The problem could easily be solved by you get given a time stamped card on entry and you need to get it stamped by the hospital to exit for free otherwise it charges you, similar to what lots of parking places do if you visit the on site cinema or bowling for example.
I think its in chapter 8 of the same document where it states Nicola Sturgeon was once half of a comedy double act and Jeremy Corbyn is a communist. Though I do belief there was a C4 programme going into this topic. I didn't see it, but I believe there was another thread about it.
Recommendation from many sources is to for a proxy vote rather than postal as time turn around is tight and Christmas post impacts... I tried this once though and my Dad got the paperwork to do it after the actual election. Can’t vote myself though, disenfranchised by being expat for over 20 years now.
I see a win for the Conservatives leading to the No Deal exit that Boris and his pals all want. Sad.....