Just watched it so that I can comment fairly on stuff. Not one single policy relating to a general election. Only political machinations and electoral jiggery pokery. How could anyone vote for such a party?
This is the bit i have no answer to. Maybe someone who will vote for them can explain their reasoning as i don't get how anyone can vote for this party in a GE
It's almost as if they don't need policies because there are enough thick ******** in this country that will blindly vote for them because they have the word Brexit in their title. Edit: there's one two posts above mine. Jesus Christ I'm ashamed to be from Barnsley sometimes. Edit 2: and two people have liked his post already. Words fail me.
Whenever anyone says 17.4 million people are speaking as one, gently point out that at least 2 people disagree on what Brexit is. Boris Johnson & Nigel Farage.
Well having voted Labour all my life except the last election, I will never vote labour again whilst Corbyn remains leader...so what are the options? Limited id say...i will vote because its my right to but at the moment i am more likely to vote Brexit party than any other main party, not because I believe in their domestic agenda, just because our choices are limited. Just shows how poor our state of politics is at the moment.
I suspect most leavers will vote for Farage rather than feel torn about not voting Labour. However, a Brexit party vote is a vote for the Conservatives in all but name.
I find it truly staggering. Farage is so far right of the Tories its unreal. If you don't want to vote Tory, to then speak of potentially voting for Farage makes less than no sense at all. This "man of the people" attended Dulwich College not a million miles from me. Its a very expensive elitist private school. A school he almost got kicked out of for singing Nazi songs and stirring tensions against migrants. But hey, he says Brexit, he smokes and drinks... must be a man of the people!
I'm not quite sure why a pro European, pro remain (based on members and the PLP, not McCluskey, Milne and Corbyn) party would take remain off the table.
You could post a copy of Mein Kampf on here mate and the same old suspects would endorse it with a like. It's a reyt laugh!! But it in't really!
Staggering that anyone could vote for Farage. He's a decent orator I'll give him that, he has no other policies other than Brexit. He's a career politician simply in it for the money and nothing else. If you think he cares about the UK leaving the EU, you're kidding yourself, he couldn't care less. I'd go as far to say he'd rather we stayed in, that way he makes more money.
It's a shame us public couldn't cherry pick the best policies from each party. I like the Labour policies in the sense that I know I'd be better off for a few years and if I lost my job the state would look after me and my family. However, I like the Conservatives putting up the amount of money before I'm taxed. In an ideal world I'd be able to take my pay rise and the minimum wage keep going up and up and up.
That's the thing with a manifesto, if you're open minded, there should be something in every parties (maybe even in the most extreme but populist) that you may not be averse to, but others you really don't support or believe in, and plenty of other things that you might not be that bothered about. One of the things that concerns me is the rhetoric Labour are already using about business. I don't disagree with some of their sentiments, but taking a blunderbuss and waging employee vs employer is going to do the exact opposite to what you intend. Especially in a global economy, and especially if we're no longer in the EU. Likewise, the flipside of opening up channels with the US and failing to guarantee safeguards on products, raw materials, foods and environmental standards is frightening. Yet I can see for some, the thought of cheaper goods at very poor standards sounds a good thing on the face of it. But think back to New variant CJD. One of my wifes friends parents died from it just a few years ago and it was beyond brutal. That came about simply by saving money on feed to our cows. Sometimes a cheaper cost masks a very high cost.