I'm glad you've explained that to me. However, where I'm really confused is Corbyn wouldn't agree to a GE unless No Deal Brexit was taken off the table. The EU extension doesn't mean NO Deal has been taken off the table. Why didn't Corbyn just agree to an election before unless it purely to frustrate Johnson?
Two reasons. The LibDems and SNP shifted stance so it made Labour look cowardly (though in the end both abstained so it was Labour who pushed the GE through on a one line bill). But prior to that, there was a real risk after Johnsons prorogation, that his intent was to force no deal through because parliament was in GE mode, so it couldn't be halted. If Johnson had won the fixed term parliament motion, he could have latterly changed the date to make this happen with 31st October fast approaching.
that’s a very good question! Why would there be so much confusion and bickering about what leave means? Could it be because it can’t be defined? It’s all things to all leavers and as such is different. Despite every leaver being exactly sure what they voted for. The hard right tories thought they had a patsy in Teresa, they thought they could get from her exactly what they wanted, without having to put there own heads above the ditch to be shot at, they eventually had to do something to stop the tories further imploding as it wasn’t far right enough. Ignore the bluster that labour stopped brexit, the tories stopped it, the tories are now behind Johnson because they realise their jobs are on the line, they voted for his deal to save their skins and we are still in a mess as a country because they still can’t agree what brexit means.
I have no idea but which party deliver on their manifesto's???? Labour certainly have not, promising to deliver the result of the referendum....and I did vote remain but do believe in the once in a generation vote.
I don't think a GE solves anything to be honest. The government are paralysed (their own doing) so a GE had to happen. But the government did have scope to push their WAB through as it passed 2nd reading. Its sole ambition was a GE to try and get a huge majority to carry out a far right hard leave agenda that I personally think would be devastating for most people. Just a subjective opinion of course.
I hate Brexit. I8 months ago I was attacked on my way home and spent 6 months with open wounds and bones sticking out of my face. On Saturday someone many of us know, by sight if not personally, was battered. I've learnt today he's died. I know more homeless people than people with homes. People lie on the street, comotose, and people walk around them, paying them no attention because it's such common place. Our society is ****** and we're talking about Brexit.
I agree. But sadly, the impact of us leaving the EU, especially in the worst forms would impact everyone and everything and likely spiral us further than we are now. Its not just the economic aspect, the uncertainty and doubt and time spent to adapt... to me, there has been a big change in peoples attitudes. I saw just yesterday a former UKIP leader say "the next big thing to tackle is islam".... If "Brexit gets done"... just god knows what is next in line for the idealogues that impacts in unknown ways on people like you and me
I didn't actually mean we shouldn't talk about it or begin threads on it. I'm frustrated, my town is falling apart and nothing is being, nothing is being addressed.
My prediction for the Election: Fingers crossed Farage is good to his word (for once) and deploys 500 of his Little Englanders to contest seats - the Tories are going to find it hard to get an overall majority - they will lose all their seats in Scotland and many in London to offset any gains elsewhere, we will be back to the same political deadlock, but with the Lib Dems having 15-20 more seats and Labour about where they are. The Lib Dems will break another election promise and go into government again with the Tories - there will be a vote on the Brexit deal, or cancelling article 50 as part of the pact with both parties free to campaign on either side.
Wow ! I am impressed , reading all those hundreds of pages and understanding it all . Maybe you ought to stand as a candidate .
The passages outlining his executive powergrabs have been readily available in precis online thanks to QCs who know more than either of us.