Because short term fixes lead to long term problems. His record is poor, he's far too naive tactically, he's not pulled any trees up at previous clubs etc. The owners love him, but they would do. He's a yes man who's been thrown into a very difficult situation and I do feel sorry for him in a way. However, I want to see us go all out for a manager, and work with him to build the club for the next 4 to 5 years. Chopping and changing managers means we end up chafing formations and staff... it just creates unrest. Believe me, I've been smack bang in the middle of it between the Davey and Robins era and it does nothing for morale.
Stendel was the one for the 4-5 year plan so for now all we can hope for is short term fixes... to get out of the mess we are in I think we need some short term stability. I say if Murray can get us a couple wins this month against teams around us in the table and get us out of the bottom 3 he probably deserves it for the time being
Who was the last manager we had for four/five years? And it’s not just us. I would suggest 90% of clubs don’t keep a manager that long for whatever reason. We don’t have any say in who they appoint. I’d like Jones seeing as he’s available and had success in the third division. Or maybe keep Murray. Can’t say I’m keen on another overseas chap in the middle of a campaign.
Who do you honestly expect us to attract though. No respected coach worth his salt would entertain working under the ridiculous restrictions our owners impose. Some random coach from Europe (it won’t be anyone in the uk) wouldn’t stand any more chance than Murray of guiding us to safety. However you look at it, we’re in a proper mess.
Redfearn would’ve been ideal for the hot seat. Great at working with youngsters and been told he takes no crap either. Id heard he’d had a meeting with the owners and it was nailed on, then something happened that spooked the board. Apparently redders is gutted as he really wanted it.
This is the problem, I 100% agree with everything you've said. It'll be hard, but this is where the board can win back some of the fans. Money talks, and if they believe onnthe club as much as they claim to then they need to put their hands in their pockets and get the right man. A short term fix in Murray will damage us even more for when we start in league 1 next season. I'd go for Jones as others have said. I'd give him it until then end of the season and if he impresses then give him the job full time. Yes, he could end up being short term but if he believes in what the board are doing and believes he can achieve with us then he could just the the right man. Stendel should still be here, he was the club's future. I can handle relegation if I know we can come back stronger, and under him I think that would be the case.
Agree about Jones, he’d be my choice. Problem is, don’t think he’d want the job and neither would he get offered it. The latter is for certain....sadly.
He gets way more wrong than he gets right. Slim pickings on what he does get right to be fair. Interesting that since Hecky left his Barnsley 'inside info' has been none existent.