1. He’s a dreadful Leader and has been a huge disappointment to me in that role. I fear the Party will struggle to win a majority in the Commons while he’s at the helm because of the English obsession with ‘strong leaders’. 2. He has more integrity in his little finger than many MPs have in their whole bodies. 3. He’s had a significant role in putting forward the best suite of Labour Party policies in the last 50 years. How’s that?
P R that's Probably the best commendation anyone could have given that I have read and answers red taffs thread perfectly.
The right wing media have been in a frenzy ever since he was elected leader of the Labour Party, cannot be bought, most honest politician I can remember, wants to redistribute wealth. NHS saviour. Offers the most radical of policies in the most radical of times.
I could also criticise as them needing a magic money tree. Some of the policies will see many businesses around here close, but you all think that it only affects big business. And in affecting big business at a time of brexit uncertainty, it will also pass down to the normal working man. Turkeys voting for Christmas is your phrase I think...
If real that's a cracking manifesto. I'd be tempted to vote at this election and vote Labour if it were true. However, it's too good to be true. All those things make you think where is the money coming from? I also remember Blair promising re nationalisation of the railways and it never happening and then Gordon Brown selling the East Coast main line back off again when it was showing profit.
The problem with ALL parties is that, come election time, they deliver manifestos containing promises more akin to a childs letter to Santa rather than what is realistic. Therefore, just as is claimed by many, re the Referendum, i.e. "we did not know what we were voting for", the same can be said of GEs. The usual excuse when a party gaining office reneges on manifesto promises is " we did not know how bad things were until we got into power ans saw the reality, therefore we cannot.........". The other alternative excuse is that "circumstances have changed since we came into power" Until manifestos are legally binding (not sure how/if that could ever be achieveable), and Political parties are accountable for failng to deliver, exaggeration and false promises will continue to proloiferate. Until then, voting for any party is a leap of faith and akin to relying on weathermen to decide what day to hang the washing out for the following week. I have usually voted on the basis of voting for the party who, I believe will do the least damage. Of late, I really cannot decide as Labour, Cons, Greens, and LIb,Dems UKIP, all have manifestos with serious omissions, or promises that are IMO seriously flawed, unrealistic, unaffordable or simply pie-in-the-sky. Depressing.
Heard on the radio today that in Holland there is an independent civil service type department which fact checks each manifesto pledge and makes sure its fiscally/ethically possible to do what is being promised. Wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.
Just watched Andy Burnham on peston. Why oh why is he not the labour party leader, BJ would be toast. You left wing dreamers keep singing the red flag and watch a Tory government get elected.
Big fan of Andy Burnham, but how would he have won back seats in Scotland and retained Brexit Labour seats that would be needed for a majority?
I doubt the maths will ever add up for a labour majority government now they have lost 30 plus seats to the SNP unless they do something brilliant or the Tories do something stupid.
Thing is very few labour govts do get elected irrespective of where they fall on the political spectrum.
I remember when Trump got elected someone saying "hey give the guy a chance". We all know that the present government has broken promise after promise, Boris is a liar etc.Let's give the man a chance, he deserves at least that surely - we can't go on accepting trash governments and shrugging our shoulders saying Corbyn would be even worse, without knowing for sure. He might not have the personality or even the looks of a p.m., which is why most people dislike him, but we have had the charmers before and been burnt by the consequences. He gives us a chance to make a real difference and finally realise that not all politicians are the same. We can't have another 5 years of this can we?
We’ll always get this simply because the Tories can’t push anything else, their record in Govt. Is absolutely appalling and the cause of all this whole Brexit mess is theirs and theirs alone. They have nothing positive to push and their only campaign fight is a one pronged attack on their main rivals. However, while ever the numpty ordinary working person keeps swallowing their nastiness they will prevail.
I was an active member of the Labour Party for 20 years , I left because I couldn't stomach Blair. I rejoined in 2016 to vote against Corbyn in the leadership election . I have always supported labour and even more so now because I believe Labour has the best policies to right what is wrong with this country in my Lifetime,. I ask this of those Labour supporters who will not vote labour because of Corbyn . Would you stop supporting Barnsley FC if you did not like the next manager.
Think the problem with Burnham is his 'presence' if you know what I mean. Just doesn't come across as someone with any enthusiasm in what he says to get his point across. Ends up fading into the background. Probably just a more reserved person than most but like Theresa May just seems a bit dull. Thinking back to his leadership attempt, everything he said sounded good but his body language and delivery just looked and sounded forced. Seems a nice decent guy though.
Would you stop supporting Barnsley if they changed the manager? Using that metaphor you appear to have done.