Is it so hard for the mongs to actual shush the insane voices in their heads for 30 seconds and actually listen to simple instructions?
The instructions of on the refs whistle were easy to understand. It's a real shame the moment was spoilt.
To add to the point a lot of the crowd including lots around me in the east stand clapped at the end of the last post. Either through ignorance of what was asked. Or in appreciation of the playing. Thankfully it recovered to the silence part.
I think this. People clapped in recognition. Then it went silent. Slightly annoying but I didn’t take it as disrespectful. I still struggle to see how when walking into a ground holding nearly 15,000 silent people, you can fail to realise they are being silent.
Dunno, there’s two ways to look at that, on a strictly politically correct level it’s not ok I agree, but this board is fairly free of that being strictly policed, I mean we had a long @ss thread on “who we would boff but not tell our mates” or whatever it was called, hardly something which feels ok either. And that’s just one example plucked from memory. On another level it’s just a jokey way of getting a point across about people’s inability to just chuffin listen for 30 seconds.