Learn from mistakes

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by icer, Nov 10, 2019.

  1. icer

    icer Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    i mentioned in another thread how we keep hearing from our head coach that we need to learn quickly from our mistakes.

    We also talk about experience on the pitch young players improve. A word with Thomas when he carries the ball and is outmuscled for the 4th goal. Slowing things down when we seem to rush everything, goalies free kick as an example (we seem to rush most of em). Marking at set pieces and who organises them.

    But the biggest learn quick topic is the club itself as we not only go through Groundhog Day again but seem to have a bigger self destruct version of the same old story each time. We haven’t learnt from our past season in this league nor from the mistakes of others. We have let the head coach role drift, hoping it will work itself out. We have made poor appointments in the past so will we learn.

    The biggest worry though in learning about ourselves is that players have learnt they are only assets so they will expect to be sold if they perform. I’m sure Woodrow and Mowatt are expecting it in Jan as the timing seems to fit. Other clubs who will look to add to their squad have learnt we are a soft touch and can tap us up easy to take our young talent under the market price and when it suits them not us.

    Managers have learnt we are a ‘tough gig’ (in Murray’s words). Other professionals are saying the same things about us so I’m not convinced that we have positioned ourselves for the manager we need and the ambitious young ones will see us as high risk to a CV and the older experienced ones out of their pay grade.

    The word vicious circle springs to mind. As each step we strengthen our resolve on plan A, I.e. no loanees, no over 25’s, with no flexibility we increase our risk and the return on investment declines for the owners.

    But there are people who are learning fast. The fans and supporters. Yes some are turn up supporters week in week out. Admired loyalty, blind faith or true faith whatever we call it. But there’s a growing number who feel let down, stay away, armchair supporters and once they go, they stay gone. I don’t think the club are close enough to supporters to learn how we as a community act and think.

    I have learnt much of the above. I have learnt that the plan is not about on field progression which is seen as both an asset and by product within a bigger plan, one which isn’t working at this level. Our sweet spot in selling players is first season we go from L1 to Champ so maybe not all bad for the owners.

    Sad but true.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
  2. KamikazeCo-Pilot

    KamikazeCo-Pilot Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2011
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    Well stated. I tend to agree with you.

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