There's a lot of talent in this team but unfortunately no experience as everyone except our wonderful owners can see , so it's down the plug hole unless someone comes along with a massive plug
The problem for me is that the owners have tried to use a spreadsheet , to beat the system. Swapping a player for a similar sized, similar height one does not mean you’ll get the same result. If it did, every club in the world would be doing it. There isn’t one secret way to success in football, it is a difficult jigsaw and balancing act. With thousands of factors. To simplify it in the way the owners have is ludicrous! The only thing we can hope for now, is a little bit of sense in January....
Sorry but I disagree, I thought the master stroke of replacing Moore with Chaplin on Schmidt’s shoulders would be world beating- not the owner’s fault the corrupt FA count that as 2 players so we can’t do it.