What you on about now ? I’m not trying to swing anybody’s vote I’m putting my opinion as others are doing also . Stop trying to interpret as to how you see the world .
You know what you’re doing.... by suggesting someone is like a scab in Barnsley. It could be suggested that the Labour Party mp’s who voted against their constituents wishes were more like scabs....? See it’s a ***** tactic! Scab means a lot here, for good reason. Stop using it for your own personal gain.
If you’re from Barnsley and know anything about it’s history - and vote for the Conservatives or an extreme right wing group led by Farage, you might consider being ashamed of yourselves. You really are beyond contempt. Happy to hear a counter view.
Haha, I’m someone on a message board that can only listen to so much of your poorly spelled rubbish... you now sound like the rest of Corbyns comrades ... telling normal folk to fek off.. round of applause to you. Lol
There, they’re, their.... Anyway, I don’t follow you... these aren’t your secret messages you know? It’s the latest one on here. I just look at the latest and see you using politician ways to call folk a scab, or anyone who doesn’t agree that Corbyn is god a fecking idiot. You have a complex pal. Call the nurse!
There you go with your interpretations again I’ve not called anyone a scab and anyone with half a brain can see that ohh wait
And your less than half a brain can see that I didn’t say you’d actually said that... oh wait. Ps well done on getting the correct there... we’re making progress.
What People can read what you’ve put choose how much you deny . Anyway I’m not arguing with a nut job that doesn’t know what the fek they’re saying I’m off .
I'm myself thanks! You might remember me as the person to whom you tried to idiotsplain statistical sampling a few months back. Also, learn how to use an apostrophe before you laugh at anybody else's English.
I said using your politician ways to call people scabs. I didn’t say you’d specifically said that people were scabs... pretty much using the same tactic as yourself. Crap isn’t it? I’m sorry I had to explain the simple tactic to you. Guess what, lots of people don’t agree with you. They’re not idiots, scabs, evil, nut jobs or stupid. And they also deserve their vote. Despite not agreeing with you. It’s called democracy. Also remember, over there they’re having their own ideas. See three different versions!