A public school plot to crush the labour movement and give the 4% more power? Hatched by Dominic Cummings (Durham School and Oxford) in back room meetings with Boris Johnson (Eton and Oxford) and Nigel Farage (Dulwich College and City of London)? They've found an issue that allows them to get the working class to vote for them and give them power. I posted yesterday and the result was a demonstration of how successful the plan has been. How do you expect them to use that power when they've got it? Are they committed to a better health service? Better services in general? Improving the benefits system? Reducing the need for food banks? If you think they will then vote Farage/Johnson! Personally I don't think they give a s*** for working class areas, they just want your vote.
Really? You don't think that public school gives an expectation of privilege, because they are privileged to go there?
UKIP was designed by right wing Tories to try to get working class votes by pretending to be something that is wasn’t and mugs lapped it up. Brexit party is just another incarnation of the same lie. UKIP was funded by Paul Sykes. As soon as they got the referendum result they wanted Sykes began to donate back to the Tories. anybody thinking of voting Tory or Brexit party want ******* running out of the North.
So everyone that went to public school (irrespective of whether it was the same school) is involved in some great conspiracy to undermine the Labour movement? That’s strange, because the Labour movement itself, along with all the opposition parties and anti-right wing media, include many members that were public school educated.
The whole public school system is a conspiracy. It allows money to control the system. 80% of top jobs go to less than 4% of the population because of the public school system. It puts people in charge of services who are not dependent on those services. They can cut those services and remain unaffected and I include the NHS in that. It prevents a meritocracy because the children are given better opportunities not because they are the best (although some may be), but because their parents have money. I don't care which party the public school career politicians choose, there will never be an equal chance for everybody as long as the public school system exists. Do I think that Farage is part of an old boys network? I absolutely do!
Anyone voting for these muppets needs their heads checking. The guys a worshiper of thatcher and a complete fraud.
While its true there is elitism and cronyism aplenty (and the latter isn't just for the elite!), there are plenty of businesses who are seeking to embrace diversity and have fundamentally changed their processes to do so. Even though early days, you are seeing people being actively encouraged to come into businesses because of the way they have shifted the paradigm, or, from overachieving at a school or university that wasn't historically well considered. On the flipside, there is still a very powerful structure of private members clubs which put together elites from many sectors that is very much unhelpful in breaking the status quo of privilege. There are some good schools, private and not. But we shouldn't label every public school as negative, nor every single person who has attended. But of course, there will be those who benefit through no talent, no application and merely being connected. The current PM is a prime example of that.
Let's get rid of the aristocracy altogether, burn down stately homes , books and paintings just because we aren't as privileged. Anarchy in the U.K.
Tbh must art value is created to keep the privileged in touch in case monetary values are defunct or devalued .
I agree with all of that and I tried to cover a block condemnation with my (although some are the best) comment. I’ve worked with many public school people professionally and been very impressed with many of them. I don’t blame the children, or even the parents for wanting the best for their kids. It is my opinion however that the “ruling class” attitude is inbuilt into the public school system and is insidiously against diversity in the opportunities available in the workplace and elsewhere. Until we create a level playing field we will never create the same opportunities for all. My point is that the current strategy for splitting the labour vote and not the conservative one is anti democratic and created by public schoolboys. The danger is that many labour voters may see Farage as the man of the people, which he clearly isn’t. The enemy is not Europe, it’s the right wing in this country and that is fed by an elitist education system.
There is I’m not disputing that at all and some deserve preservation just as there’s some beautiful art . But a lot is created because of investments not saying they aren’t beautiful but the rich create the value.
I accepted that there are have's and have not's in my teens. It is what it is. I just get on with things. It takes all sorts to make a world. I don't think it matters too much whose dishing orders out as long as they are doing it properly. There are plenty of self made people with massive chips on their shoulders and that is the worst case of snobbery. Wanabe aristocrats.
Just because you accept there are haves and have nots doesn't mean you have to accept it though surely?