I did a quick search on google and so far it was only being reported by the Grauniad, Independent and New European. Funny, that.
the Tory press office Twitter is genuinely funny. Claiming they won (obviously) with every reply telling them they didn’t! genius
What peace? I think you ought to re evaluate what you base your beliefs on , where the information came from and who's interests perpetuating negative Corbyn rhubarb serves....
Hahahaha Good to see Comrade Corbyn answering how he would campaign on Brexit. How many times was he asked which way would he go? Surely he must have an opinion seen as he's been anti EU for god knows how long until he realised it might cost him some votes. Tax the rich, if you've got a garden pay more tax, saved some money to pass onto your kids when you die- tough- we'll take it in tax, lets take 10% of companies shares to **** up peoples pensions. Yep, lets all vote for Comrade Corbyn.
If you overlook the utter clusterfuck of Tory / Brexit/ UKIP numerical **** ups to have a go at Dianne Abbott then I suggest you need to evaluate why that is.....
Have a look of her **** ups. Same as Comrade Corbyn's back of a *** packet maths on the economy after the last Labour Government left it up **** creek. Spend, spend, spend then someone else can sort it out when they get voted out.
Is that university educated dianne Abbott? wonder why you chose her and not someone like Chris grayling....
no, you tell us a list please? Actual hard facts please? You know like things that have actually happened?
Can you give examples of all these fu(k ups please.....should be loads to choose from in her 32 years as a politician.
Logical thinking here Argument one: we need to leave the majority of the electorate voted leave. Same person: Corbyn switched to remain because it has more voters What?
I don't think these debates have any value at all...just two politicians trying hard to remember the sound bites with no deeper discussion on actual policy....much better to give each of them an hour with Andrew Neil and Jeremy Paxman.
And another from your favourite rag https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/fb-6915369/What-Diane-Abbotts-gaffes-controversies.html
Lets lend her a calculator https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/34909...s-gaffe-on-the-number-of-council-seat-losses/
So 1 involving numbers, some have no info available and the last heinous crime being not going on Womans Hour......the best the Express can do ?