Is that all you have a spelling mistake. If that's your way of debate then I can see why people follow the Buffoon and the racist Farge. Keep the far-right garbage coming owd love it just shows what sort of guy you are.
Someone who is opposed to racism/homophobism is a "snowflake". Well done mate. It makes me sad that there are probably more than a few others like this in Barnsley. Wish we could get rid of them.
You sir are a bonafide piece of Gammon. Hope you enjoy another 5 years of Tory rule. Strong and stable government my arse.
I can't quite work out why the military and ex-military would rather vote for a party that is leaving a significant number of veterans homeless and suffering from untreated mental problems after serving the country than a party that would try to prevent more of them in future getting killed in meaningless wars.
me neither. You wont find much support for him in the forces but as far as i can see not many of them live in islington! as i said earlier, the forces as a general rule dont like anyone different, dont like anyone who they are told is bad. its that simple sometimes, its like banging your head on a brick wall. the funniest thing is when you point out all the good that JC does and will do for them they trot out the "well they are all the same" ........No they fcucking arent you giant cockwomble. I had a conversation on here about soldier F being took to court, that the current government are allowing it, the PSNI are allowing it but for some ungodly reason it was JCs fault!
I can understand those who served in NI having issues about the "support" of the IRA. I can also understand that the military lifestyle and those who would volunteer for the armed forces are generally more likely to be lower educated and more right-wing in their viewpoints but they are supporting a government that has given them an effective pay cut over the last 10 years, doesn't give a crap about their ex-colleagues, and cut over 10,000 posts in the last 5 years alone.
I suspect because most of them aren't currently serving or ex-military. They are Walter Mitty wannabes who use chat rooms to express their jingoistic and racist views.
I work with 2-3 ex-military and they have said very similar, but not as quite as extreme in their views.
Without a doubt I would say so, some of the insults ( banter) you hear/ say you just wouldn't say it on the outside, dark humour is what gets many service personnel through absolute 5hit times ( on ops for example) saying that it ain't that much better sat in the mess's or cook house, in peace time.
Just where the f**k did that little pearl come from? Does that apply to all ex and current servicemen? Like the ones you bought a poppy for? It's a bit of banter mate, get over it.