I am one of those who this tax would allegedly target. Having grown up on a council estate with parents who had no money etc, my wife and I have worked very hard(and had some luck), we would have no issue in paying more if it helped people who genuinely needed the help. My fear though is it wouldn’t actually improve much and actually encourage the worst in some people. As an aside note correct me if I’m wrong but did Tony Blair do something like if everyone paid a little extra the money would go on schools, sure that never actually happened.
There’s nothing in labours manifesto that remotely suggests anything like this at all . Andrew Neil Was wrong and was told so .
No idea which interview you watched. Corbyn came over very well. Again. The MSM are using heavy artillery with all the religious, man in the Sky fairy tales helping them out. It’s absurd. No Tory majority. Which is all that matters. Anything else better would be elsyium.
My disabled son who can’t work but tries his absolute best to contribute to society by volunteering at various places such as community projects and youth clubs has just had his benefits cut by just over 25%. With support, he lives alone and as a result he has some self respect, which he will probably lose when, at 33 years old he has to move back in with his Mam and Dad. I think you and your ‘likers’ should be more careful with your sweeping statements. The Sun and Mail have obviously done a great job.
You did see the point made by Neil that 31,000 people pay 12% of all income tax in this country I presume? That the top 5% pay more than half of all income tax. That if this highly mobile group of people decide that they pay enough already and move away then there is a massive hole in the budget. So it's not true then that Labour plan to align tax rates from unearned income (eg. Dividends) with that of earned income? I heard that from McDonnell's own mouth Basic rate taxpayers pay 7.5% on dividends. That will go up to 20%
Page 33 of the funding section: Labour will tax capital gains at the same level as income tax and abolish the lower income tax rate for dividend income
Page 33 of the funding real change on the Labour website: Capital gains tax was last moved to income tax rates by Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson in 1988. Labour will tax capital gains at the same level as income tax and abolish the lower income tax rate for dividend income. It is also a potential inefficiency and source of avoidance that income tax and capital gains tax have separate annual tax-exempt allowances, allowing the wealthy to separate their income into different forms in order to benefit from double tax relief. With a separate dividend tax rate some people with significant income from different sources can benefit from three separate tax-free allowances and there is evidence that business owners declare income in different ways purposely to take advantage of different rates and allowances34. Primary residences will continue to be exempt from capital gains tax.
Andrew Neil(Brilo) that bloke who worked for the Murdock Press, Dail Mail and many more still something to do with the right-wing The Spectator and employed HOLOCAUST denier David Irving, he rejects climate change. Ya that's him I can see now why he would not let Corbyn answer any question he asked if Corbyn said let me finish once he said it 20 times never let him answer.