Guaranteed post to bring out personal comments (insults).... You couldn't make it up. It boils down to this .... A LAbour Govt. will plant 2 BILLION Yep 2 BILLION!!!! trees by 2040 That is 200 trees PER MINUTE, EVERY MINUTE for the next 40 years. Who writes their policies? Rumplestiltskin?? On top of the latest damp squib that is the now debunked (except in certain quarters of the Leftish media like the Guardian) NHS for sale document allegations it smacks of extreme desperation witrhin Labour ranks. Smug slimey Boris will be laughing all the way to no10!! Labour remind me of BFC's defence. The opposition dont have to do much as they (BFC and Labour) keep gifting goals.
Did we really need a new post for this? @Gally What happened to that vote we had a bit ago where the majority voted in favour of moving political posts to another section of the forum?
Aye and thats on course to happen. Since the vote to move all political posts to another forum it's not been addressed once by admin.
The thing that has hugely changed the landscape is that there is a party, leader and advisor who are all willing to tell absolute lies and whip up hate. When you shift to that state and there are huge parts of the electorate willing to either turn a blind eye or play a part in spreading those lies and hate... oppositions are nullified. Sadly it looks like there is going to be a majority for a proven liar. Lauded in by large swathes of media and the electorate. My only hope now left is that this is this countries lowest ebb.
The Tories don’t want to be judged on their record. Remember who is in power and who created this mess. Divide and conquer has always been their strategy. Let’s focus on Corbyn instead!
theres some strange things people get angry about..... food banks, poverty, homelessness and the lack of social care for an ageing population all seemingly fine but chuff me..... someone wants to plant some trees and theres hell on. strange people, strange times.
History warns me that you aren’t into discussion or debate. It’s just rambling monologues of the same flavour, day in, day out. I can’t really put it any better than my original reply.
Why not? The Labour supporters on here are quick to pounce on anything pro Labour or anti *Conservative BJ and take it as Gospel e.g. the "NHS up for sale Corbyn 'evidence' bombshell spread yesterday which contained a short sentence " BBC have not yet had time to analyse the document" which ultimately turned out to be nothing of the sort. *Note I am not supporting Cons/Johnson and will NOT vote for them at this GE.
So still no answer to the OP subject? I often enter into discussion and debate with sensible people e.g. Orsen. Just can't be bothered entering into arguments with the closed mind mentality of the class war/dwelling on the past clique on here. Funny how someone complained about this OP (anti Labour ) and goes on about a separate thread for political posts yet this BB is full of political comments mostly anti Con and Pro Labour .
What’s wrong with planting trees? It’s a definite option for slowing down global warming and climate change. Do you think it means one Labour employee planting 200 trees a minute??! Yes, you probably do. Proven, serial liar Boris Johnson saying that Labour’s claims about the NHS are untrue doesn’t exactly qualify as ‘debunking’, does it? Given the evidence is there, literally in black and white, you’ll forgive me if I don’t side with Johnson and his cabal of crooks right now.