Another of my all time favourite Barnsley players. I met up with a Cherries fan I knew from our holidays in Poole and attended the Barnsley v Bournemouth game. It was in November 1988 and DC had a blinder and scored some of the goals in a 5-2 win. My then young son and I were hooked and have supported the Reds from that day to this. Happy birthday for yesterday " Hot stuff."
I remember up to his signing I was one of the many who thought they didn't like Indian food, even though I'd hardly tried it. Then when he signed, someone in the pub suggested going for a curry to celebrate. I went because I didn't want to miss anything. That's when my simultaneous love affairs with Currie and curry started. One of them is still going, sadly the other came to a sudden end in a Forest.
I believe he did. In their team that day also was one Luther Blissett. I always remember David did a forward roll after one of his four goals. I think it was that game as well, big Trevor fouled one of our lads just outside of our box and one of our fans shouted in a broad Barnsley accent " eh up, behave thissen Trevor or we weyn't buy thi' back", much to the amusement of everyone round about us.
I was at the Cup tie at Leicester in the teeming rain when Hot stuff and Steve Lowndes both scored in the second half to cancel out their first half goal and put us through to the next round. Great game.
We ain't got a barrel of money. But we've got Cooper and Currie. .......... on the wing , doing his thing, side by side. Who the he'll was on the wing ?