This^ Not a Corbyn fan - he's an appalling leader. But to pretend his policies are 'far left' is daft, and to ignore how bad the Tory front bench is whilst pointing out how bad the Labour one is - well that's wilfully stupid. The bottom line is that there may be insults slung from both sides - but I'd rather be labelled soft and naive than selfish You need maths help. 2 Billion is nothing.
In his autobiography, after he was signed by a major label, Otway claims that he arranged for someone to plant trees in a forest somewhere (might be Cumbria) so that in 20-30 years the different colours of green would spell out Otway from above....
Seen him a few times, first was in Doncaster about 1974 then in a pub in Cambridge (1980 ish). The last time was at the Burton Beer festival (2010ish) when I was working behind the bar, a load of his fans came (but didn’t drink any beer) with arms full of flowers which they threw at him in the afore mentioned song. Total nutcase but very entertaining.
I’m a carpenter by trade so get planting more sustainable forests. Now all we need is a bit more global warming so people want to live in timber framed houses and I’m laughing. Oh, and less bakers in pudding lane leaving their ovens on.