Yeah they should have at least let him stand up and let the bomb squad try identify/defuse the device whilst he had his hands on his head
A man wrestled a knife from a terrorist, potentially saving numerous lives and this is all I see over social media. It looks like a lunch bag with a sarnie in it or something, way too big for drugs. Regardless, the man wants to be getting pride of Britain award along with the rest of folk who tackled this monster! These are the real hero’s in society.
The timing of this will sadly help certain parties. At least the suspect is dead so can't answer any questions. *Ahem*
Real eye opener I bet mate, scary thought. Glad you’re alright and missed the monster. Hearts go out to anyone caught up in today’s tragedy.
As always I'll just point out how despicable terrorism is. How awful it is for all concerned and how there is never any good that comes from evil like this. I'll also say that Boris Johnson is an horrible horrible morally corrupt proven liar and racist who has built his entire campaign on getting foreigners out of this country via Brexit and THAT is why my immediate thoughts were that it's very convenient for him. Is that a reflection on me or on the character of Boris Johnson? Possibly both
I think they backed off because the police identified the suicide vest and told the public to get the F out of there, good drills
What is the matter with you? This is not a matter to be extorted for political gain. This is not ‘convenient’ in any sense.
On TV suicide bombs are usually rigged to detonate if pressure is released from the trigger. After today I assume that this isn't ever actually the case otherwise surely killing the person applying pressure would have the opposite effect and cause the bomb to go off. Serious post by the way and not linked to my other one.
But the sad fact is that it will be used for political gain and from all sides. One side WILL use it to gain support for hard right policies. The other WILL use it to argue that police cuts cause things like this. What makes me think that? It's exactly what happened during the last general election and it's a sad indictment on politics.
You're right m8, they more often than not are trigger operated but also can be detonated remotely from someone say 500 yards away sat in a costa for example, these are the scariest of all terrorists as they dont value there own lives let alone others, I dont know where the bloke is from but in Iraq they had no fear whatsoever, zero, zilch as they truly truly believe they are going to paradise and will be martyred
I'd hate to ever be in the situation anywhere near that. I wouldn't be able to handle a warzone at all.
Perhaps we should all try not to bring politics into this horrible incident. Starting from now. Perhaps we should stop with this blanket coverage on the news too, cos it seems to me only likely to encourage those idiots who might fancy the publicity involved in repeating it.