These people openly deride you, they sneer at you and exploit you. And yet you defend them and will vote for them. Answer directly: exactly how do your interests align with Stanley Johnson's? Cue a million "Well whhhhhhat about Corbyn ...."
They call us plebs now illiterate what next. My interests align more with an earthworm than that of Stanley Johnson.
He thinks it's amazing that the press can repeat criticism of the Prime Minister? Think about the implications of that... Now we know where Boris gets it from. The apple never falls far from the tw@t tree.
I’m not defending Stanley Johnson at all, he’s clearly an odious relic of a bygone era, but it drives me mental the way that what one random bellend thinks on Twitter is so often reported as news in and of itself.
Surely it's Johnsons reaction to the bell end that should drive you mental....He doesn't think you have the capacity to spell the name of a puppet. I don't think anyone needs to add anything to Johnsons comment
Here's a picture to help remind you how to spell Pinocchio........ Remember....there are 2 "C"s in it
They have a disregard for everyone except the elite, It runs in the family - I bet Boris is still breastfeeding, a bit like the character Harvey from Little Britain.
so its getting the 'skeletons out from the closet time' had to happen. Its being done to Corbyn so why not. Hope they can dig up some dirt about 'Wee Jimmie Crankie' leader of the SNP.
Yeah. Because Labour = Communists. I've lost the will to post on here these days. It's infested with half wits like you.
I'm amazed by the lack of response to this attack by Johnson. Come on you tory supporters,,,,,defend your man!!!
Sorry, forgot about all the luminaries of the Barnsley for Brexit crew. You should feel free to join in as well!
Imo he’s beyond defending stage .the party’s full of wackos they know this so it’s a case of they gonna vote for him choose what and **** the consequences .
Not defending old Stanley but just to add a bit of balance can I raise you one Emily Thornberry and her white van man tweet. And she's supposed to be " for the many " but what does she really think of us I wonder
more whataboutery - who'd have guessed. The fact is they're all flawed - so we have to choose between imperfect people who believe in making the country a nicer place or a bunch of imperfect people who just want to be richer at our expense. I'd rather not have to decide between Johnson and Corbyn - but it doesn't stop the choice being simple - one of them is slightly dishonest, the other is a psychopathic level liar. FFS he won't even acknowledge his own children - utter scumbag.