Reports via Twitter.. Gareth du Nord partially closed as someone had a practice mortar in a bag that was found. Later stuff said false alarm.
You have taken is post totally out of context, I knew exactly the point he was making, he wasnt as you say politicising or I didnt see it that way, it's not the time to use the death of innocent people to use as a political football because I certainly wasnt, is point was if push came to shove in that situation on a personal level he wouldnt know what to do, would he wouldnt he, you have taken what he meant totally out of context disgraceful???? I've lost many friends through terrorism, I helped bury one who was a victim of a suicide blast we buried something that resembled a joint of beef, I saw a bloke turn into red mist because some savage on a motorbike set off his suicide vest as he rode past him, cheers
thanks. It’s an area I’m in a lot, one of my biggest clients is literally opposite where he was shot and I often have a coffee with contacts round there on king William street. We’d gone for breakfast in bills the other side of borough market, walked south bank crossing Waterloo bridge to Covent Garden and we were going to get the bus to London Bridge to get back home, but having waited and been delayed thanks to the climate protests, we got the train instead so bypassed the area we would have walked through. sometimes the most innocent of choices have the most important of outcomes.
Unfortunately Mario the way a certain prime minister involved Jo Cox and her death to attempt to gain brownie points.. It wouldn't surprise me if this incident wasnt seen to further his chances of beating the drum about the need to get his no deal brexit done quickly.. We've seen sadly how low Boris is prepared to stoop already... Wrong I agree... but Boris is morally devoid of any sense of credability let alone knowing where to draw the line on what's right or wrong..
There's going to be some uncomfortable questions for politicians and police.
I'd like to get the members of the parole board who allowed a convicted terrorist out early from his sentence, onto a live TV panel and ask them why they did this and what they now felt about being responsible for the deaths of 2 innocent people? Also while we're at it why are pedos, murderers, rapists and terrorists allowed to roam free from their sentence early, on the say so of a bunch of out of touch professional nobodies? A fanatic who plotted to blow up the London Stock Exchange allowed out safe in the knowledge he was tagged? Wow
I think you're wrong but I think you're raising a different point to the one made that I responded to. All politicians, of all parties, use events to score points despite how crass they sound to average people like us (Boris was completely wrong but he would argue that he was only responding to a point 'shouted' at him). He didn't suggest her murder was of benefit to his goal. The point I responded to was a thinly veiled hint of at conspiracy which is nonsense, unfounded and bang out of order, especially right now.
His response was flippant and ill considered, I wouldn’t consider he did anything premeditated, but he was crass and he thought he was being ‘smart’. which still proves what an utter twunt he is.
My posts in this thread were unrelated to each other. I did make an initial post that suggested it could work in Boris' favour but I didn't mean it was a conspiracy. I meant that he is such an horrible person that he'd use it as a convenient way to further his racist agenda. My posts to Portsmouth tyke were unrelated to that post and were a general discussion
spot on pal,some pillock who's got a degree in psycology thinking they are qualified to read the minds of said criminals, where they conclude these b@stards are no longer a threat. the people who allowed this ******* out should now be on trial because they have more than a hand in what happened yesterday, a terrorist with a fcukin tag on?? you really couldnt make it up.
There wasn't a parole board involved. He was allowed out as he had served the length of his sentence dictated by law.