Hi i was wondering if anyone on here works for the police as an officer or has previously? Im thinking of applying when they start recruiting for apprentices again. I was just after some advice on things like job satisfaction, pay etc Many thanks
An ex army colleague joined the police a few years ago. I'm no longer in touch with him but I know when he was going through the application stage he had similar questions to you. If I recall correctly he went into a station and they gave him some great advice and guidance. He also spoke to some Bobbies he saw out in public. Good luck.
Average pay mate, particularly for the risks they have to take and the people they have to deal with on a daily basis. Can't understand why anyone would want to do that.
Thats fair enough. To be honest im not totally money motivated it is a factor obviously but id rather have job satisfaction over money. Im just after some advice to see if the positives outweigh the negatives. Many thanks for your response though.
Fair play to you and good luck m8, my son is just going through the application at the minute, work alongside the Ministry of Defence police down here, same as county police forces, they work a cracking shift system, 36k a year after 6 years and a cracking pension if you get the years in plus you have scope to branch out after a few years ( if you want too) to traffic, dog handler, armed response.
If you decide to go ahead, try and take advice from a recent successful applicant before you send in the first question form....one question on there in particular could trip you up if you give what, on the face of it is a common sense answer....get that one wrong and your application goes straight in the bin.
Thank you all for your advice, i think i need to speak to a few police officers before sending in my application. Is there a question that trips a few up in your experience @sadbrewer ?
My dad is a copper, well, he was but he's now on the classroom side of things. He's based down at the Manvers site in Rotherham. Any questions you have feel free to send me a PM and I'll get him to answer them for you.
When I worked part time in the Youth Service one of our lads confided that he wanted to join the Police Force. As we supplied the Police with Jet Kerosene for their helicopters I knew some of the higher ranking Police officers personally. I gave them the young lads details and he was invited to the Police HQ to look round and to receive background details and resource materials. That was around ten years ago. I saw his cousin a couple of weeks ago and he confirmed that the lad I introduced went on to join the force and is currently training to become a member of the CID team. Give them a call in your local area and ask if you can go in for talks about joining the force AL. I'm sure you will well recieved, plus because of the pledges by the parties in the run up to the GE they could well be looking for new recruits any time soon. Good luck.