A referendum on the subject? I missed that one. Was it just the political parties who got a say? If so why were the general public ignored?
The bloke who knocked on my door did not deserve to be heard. I did not, in any way, shape or form ask him to approach me. Anyone from any religious background gets the same treatment (if not worse) should he/she approach me as well. I do not do religion and I most certainly do not do Conservatism. (note conservatism spelt with a small c is acceptable in/on certain times/occasions)
It was very poorly publicised at the time as I remember and you are correct it was agreed upon at the time of the coalition. It was for Alternate Vote as I recall which I'm not sure would have changed a lot really. The Lib dems wanted a shot a proportional representation system but the Tories wouldn't grant that. It's hard to imagine any government wanting to radically change the system that has put them into power.
Okay, I’ll take this one lads. Nudger - serious & genuine question; what exactly are these ‘hallmarks’ that Johnson has that make him a ‘fantastic PM’? Would it help if I gave you a list of options? You could mark a tick by the relevant ones. Racist Misogynistic Cheat Serial & compulsive liar Colluded to get a journalist beaten up Bully Suppressed report into Russian interference in election Any of those hallmarky enough for you??
I’m doubting who he’s going to vote for. I’m pretty sure he lives in Barnsley and therefore can’t vote for BoJo Do you want my bank details to pay in the money now @Young Nudger?
@timescorbyn I’ve put this user on before, make sure interesting reading/watching. There’s plenty to go at. I’ll find a few more later. While you are at it. Can you let me know how many delegates representing Israeli interests attended the Stop the War/parliamentary meetings with his friends from Hamas/Hezbollah... Like I said judge a man by the company he keeps.
If that's your idea of interesting.....loads of retweets concerning no context sentences and hyped melodrama, Where are the speech transcripts spreading hate and violence ?
I could spend all night detailing why I really don't want JC as Prime Minister - I don't need other peoples fairy stories. However - there's not a single candidate for PM thats 'better'. I've said it before - it's fine to knock Corbyn from a socialist perspective, but to prefer one of the others is surely utter madness.
Me n'all. Towd grey matter is getting worse than I thought. Just looked it up and can't remember voting. Missus says we did but can't remember how we voted. Who am I to argue. ( With her indoors)
Interesting thoughts on are you voting for the candidate or seeing passed him or her and voting for the party I had all the intention of voting conservative this time but after looking at the candidate she doesn't come across well but given my other main option as a labour candidate is none other than Ed Miliband who was up there as one of the worst party leaders I'm a little stumped, I'm probably leaning to vote for one of the independents now instead
So you're not voting for a candidate because they look daft eating a bacon sarnie? The country is fooked...
Wtf are you on about I've absolutely no idea what she looks like eating anything I have my reason which I'm not about to go in to on here why but you'll be glad to hear I don't base my political views on candidates eating habits but unlike most I also don't base them on who my dad, grandad and great grandad voted for either
You obviously live in donny north. As I do. I’m not taken to vote for an independent though. Have you had the leaflet through the post from ‘Uncle’ Eddie Todd? Dear me. The man is a fruit loop. Apart from his official correspondence containing several spelling or grammatical errors, his genuine solution to the Northern Ireland Brexit issue is to bully the Irish republic into leaving as well. He also wants to establish, quote, ‘support for kids with problems’. No actual discussion as to what the support might entail or even as to what the problems might actually be. My eldest came home with a sheet of maths problems for his homework. Do they count? It then goes on to say he joined labour, the tories, and funded the Brexit party. And went back to being independent... desperate to get into power much? Anyone who’ll have him (so nobody...) Stick to the moto x Eddie mate. I’m sure he’s a decent guy but politics isn’t for him. As for your vote. Tory? I can’t think of many people in this constituency who’d benefit from them. But your call. You rule out labour. Ed wasn’t a strong leader of the Labour Party, no. He’s a decent guy and a good mp though. He was here every day through the floods. Took dogs abuse at times and still carried on helping regardless. And proper help. Dirty old coat, wellies, mucking in. None of this photo opportunity ********. I’d have voted for him anyway as I shudder at the prospect of another five years of Tory administration, and I think we need a fairer future for our kids than I can see currently. But his recent actions have reinforced my views on him as a local representative. As for the reference to his bacon sandwich eating faux pas, (which I think you wrongly took to be referring to the Tory candidate. A complete no mark who has zero chance whatsoever), if you watch Ed smash a meat pie and mash from the Yorkshire pie house down, you wouldn’t question his eating. The fella is an honourary northerner in my eyes. Posh and privileged or not, champagne socialist or not. Judge a man on his actions and will, not his background. He’ll do for me, my x will be at the side of his name next Thursday.