While ever weve got young relatively inexperienced lads playing, we will struggle against the more savvy teams in this respect. It felt like Cardiff got numerous free kicks today by using their nouse. Were just too naive.... and **** at defending.
Ironically when Connor started doing it fans near me were berating him for cheating . Damned if you , damned if you don't .
The ahem coming together of heads with anderson and was it tomlin? was typical...we had broke away...woodrow was fouled but tbe ref came back for the fracas at the half way. Fortunately for the blues player our centre back did not react, to his albeit soft head butt....other way round, the cardiff lad would have gone down like hed been shot and we would have been down to 10 men.
According to Accrington last season we were masters of the dark arts https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/to...&share_fid=13320&share_type=t&link_source=app