I've just listened to the whole interview. thought radio Dee dah did a fairly thorough enough job and I thought PC dealt with it well. i anticipate this will attract even more abuse from some but try and understand it from the clubs point of view and not stendels. what else could they have done? we had a man in charge of motivating the players at the start of a challenging season who was more interested in leaving for a champ rival.....for more money no doubt. we also found out he was gonna poach two of the clubs management team. there were also other issues. should we have kept him on? mmm dont think so. as has been pointed out...it would be good to hear Daniel's side of the story also. I know what very direct questions I'd be asking him about the whole fiasco. Remember Daniel bought into the strategy when he initially signed. we tried to keep him. we offered him improved terms to stay. Loyalty in football? not on your proverbial belly!
We should have supported him in the transfer market to ensure he didn't want to leave. Instead of ripping the heart out of the side and then being surprised when he was pissed off.
2 things from that interview 1.We find experienced players causing unrest in the locker room. 2.The coach was talking to another club, The new coach has told us what he needs and we are working to on that(are we talking to players we require now, Isn't that what the former coach removed for)
Odd dealings from Conway. This isn't the way things are dealt with in the English game - I've never heard of a manager being removed and then not allowed to move on... Seems like Stendel hasn't acted correctly but it's been dealt with in an odd way
Ofcourse there’s no loyalty in football anymore, Conway openly admits in that interview that Struber has been a long term target of theirs. So Stendel was looking at his next job opportunity just like the club were eyeing up someone to replace him. It’s a nasty and brutal business is football. Stendel obviously hasn’t done things to the letter of the law but dismiss him and move on. It sounds like we’re trying to sue three clubs now In Hull, hearts and this unnamed club. We’re going to get a dirty reputation in football and I’ll be surprised if clubs want to do future business with this club, wether you agree or not with Conway and this philosophy it’s concerning I fear.
I think he may have been referring to his time at Nice but a blanket statement effectively saying any player older than 25 would automatically cause trouble in the dressing room is madness
Fair enough, I'll take your word on that. It's hard enough keeping up with BBS posts without having to listen to other stuff. It's all very distracting... There's a game on tomorrow and something big happening Thursday. And I need a new tyre. And then there's Xmas coming up...