Most of the debate about Daniel was civilised, the anger was aimed at our owners, not other fans. Personally I don't believe we have the full picture so I will reserve my judgement, and apologies, until we do.
We got 3.5 million. I cannot reveal my source but it is extremely close to the club and has not been wrong before, all I can say.
Squad was too big, so we got rid of all tall players. I've heard were in for snoopy, droopy and grumpy in January.
Donald Trump Jacob Rees Mogg Vladimir Putin Donald Trump Prince Andrew Paul Conway All cut from the same cloth. Yes that’s right....great leaders with a lot of populist support. It breaks your Heart(s).
What's contracts got to do with it these days? If he wants out he can leave or refuse to play like Vaz Te and Mcindoe. Unfortunately we haven't got the power of a premiership side before someone quotes Zaha etc etc.
Agree it’s not illegal, but it is IMO highly morally wrong to actively encourage other members of staff to leave whilst in active employment by them. If he was on garden leave I could understand but not whilst actively involved. If proven to be true I would find it difficult to believe anything said from that person as it speaks volumes of their morals.
I get where you are coming from but aren't alarm bells ringing for you? We've had run ins with Hearts, Hull, Huddersfield and Wacker Innsbruck since summer... is that normal???
Or conversely it shows loyalty and respect for his team that he's outlining options to them and not just feathering his own nest? Just playing devils advocate here as we re obviously talking shades of grey.
If it’s normal in football, I don’t know, as others have said it happens all the time but usually behind the scenes, whereas ours seem to come out into the public forum as someone else said could be called embarrassing for the amount of ‘issues’ going on. But that a totally separate point to somebody deliberately trying to undermine and weaken an employer they are being paid to do a job for. I have no issue with someone parting ways and then approaching people but not whilst still an integral part.
Like I’ve said Helen, that’s fine once you’ve left. How is this different to Wright who is accused of encouraging people like Conor (our Captain at time) to talk to other clubs for personal gain? It’s not and he got rightly called out by the fans for it, but because of the fantastic achievement on and off the field by DS and his team some fans think it’s OK.
The point I'm making is that apart from Huddersfield at this stage all the other clubs have questioned the integrity of our owners' behaviour, so given this why would you believe that they are telling the truth? If four totally independent blokes came up to you and said stuff about your missus, would you not start to be a tiny little bit suspicious about her?
Or you're being duped right now. Depends whether you have an open mind and are ready for this to run its course and make a decision when all information is in the public eye or if you have an agenda you've been pursuing for months and will hang your argument on any snippet of information that backs your point, from one source, even when multiple other sources are offering counter arguments.
Chris Stern was always going to be with him though surely? I wouldn't have thought much of Daniel if I were him and he hadn't said anything to me, it's just not what mates do. Different if your employer has bent over backwards for you but simply because they are my employer wouldn't make me question my morals about telling my work mates about another opportunity that might be coming up.
I’m not saying they are telling the truth, all I’ve said is there is no issue in someone wanting to move jobs but that person should not look to actively weaken the current employer whilst actively involved. And IF true he can’t be defended for that last part.
To add to that, when anyone commits a misdemeanor I would consider the degree of provocation before condemning them.
The most confusing thing about all this is how the hell Huddersfield fans said nothing on their forum at the time or even now.
Like Jay has said to another poster there are clearly people on here that are totally invested in the club's stance and in spite of all the evidence that paints Conway et. al. in a bad light you seem to be unwilling to believe that, going back to your "holding statement" claims. Each to their own.