So the tories say. Well thank your lucky stars it is, because I shudder to think what it would be like if it wasn’t. A vote for the brexit party on Thursday is basically a vote for the tories, remember that,,, THE TORIES. A vote for the tories is a vote to carry on the good work they’re guilty of in the NHS. Longer waiting lists, bed shortages, stressed out staff with low morale and on and on it goes. A vote for the brexit party is an endorsement of tory policy. It means that when you and yours are in need of someone to take care of you, there’s a possibility that either they won’t be there, or you can’t afford them. I’m not sure which is worse. The irony is, none of the above matters to the brexit and tory teams asking for your vote, they’re alright Jack. An even bigger irony when it all finally falls apart, is that the people who suffer the most actually voted for it. Forget brexit for a minute and think about the consequences of your vote on Thursday. The thought of a Johnson led tory government fills me with dread. I’ve voted in every election since I was 18 and I’ll be 65 in January, I’ve never felt so frightened.
Well all I can say is that you, and anyone you care about, need to stay well and in a job. Otherwise, welcome to Tory Brexshit Britain.
I think it would be a good idea to vote Tory... I have my own house you see and I don't have to live on the streets where there has been a massive increase in punters. I also have enough to eat and don't have to go to one of those bourgeoning food bank places. I don't get out much so I don't see any knife crime increasing. As for the NHS... Tsk...I don't get poorly so I couldn't give a toss. I could go on. Basically, I'm only bothered about myself and my little bubble so the bigger picture of what's gradually happening to the country is not really important. I have been told though that Corbyn is a dangerous communist so that must be right...So, that's why I'll be voting Tory. A real vision for the future...'Get Brexit Done'.
I really wasn’t going to reply to this post because I’m pretty sure even the most articulate of people (which I clearly am not) could not say any more than your 4 words did. I’ll just leave you with this,, imagine if you can, that it’s your little boy with pneumonia laying on a hospital floor,,,, and you are totally helpless.
that doesn't really address the issue however does it. its skirting around the facts, why wont you vote labour, why do you have pride in that fact? its populist politics to glibly announce something without substance, trump used it, Johnson and farage do the same, i vote labour and im quite happy to say why.
If, God forbid, you need to use A&E, tell them you are a proud Tory/Brexshitter, or whatever you are. Then enjoy the next 10 hours reflecting with pride on your choices.
Why, out of curiosity? Love or loathe Corbyn, it's genuinely difficult to understand why anyone would want to inflict the alternatives on themselves and their families.
Any Lib Dem or Tory remainer living in a labour stronghold need to make their vote count this time . We must all send a message to the Brexit party and outvote them on a large scale to show our message . They are targeting areas with vile and racists views . Vote tactically I would vote Lib Dem this Time round if I were in an area where they were under threat by Tory/Brexit . It’s the only way .
So i put a X in the labour box and over night Barnsley gen becomes a world of magic where everyone is seen in 10 mins and car parks dont cos a fortune and the place is spotless and everything in the world is put to right?? If thst were true why have labour not been in power for so long. Barnsley must know something rest of country doesn't.....
Imagine not being able to afford a spot on the hospital floor cos that's what's going to happen if BramptonTyke & his ilk gets their way. Mark my words.
Some I have spoken to would actually vote the Brexit party if they were lying on a trolley in a corridor at hospital and they were brought a ballot paper there and then . It’s unbelievable how some people tick.
Without resorting to any remarks against other parties, what is it that you like about the Tory party that makes you want to vote for them? I could give you the same for why I vote Labour if necessary. I am genuinely interested and not having a go, just want to understand why. I haven't seen anything on here that explains this.