The board's incompetence stems not from the decision to allow those lads to leave, but not to replace them adequately. If the main motivation is profit, then by definition any new players coming in will cost less, and/or be on lower wages, than the players leaving. That in turn means that the team has been weakened. Doing that at any point is poor management, but doing it at a time when we've moved up into a higher league, is incompetent, in my opinion. The strategy of selling players at the highest point of their value is flawed. It results in the team gradually becoming weaker, as we have all seen on the field. It's utter, crass incompetence. I respect other posters' right to defend the board's strategy, but I'm at a loss to see where the evidence is. They're bloody useless at running our football club.
I can see both sides of this argument so won’t be drawn on which version gets my vote. In the interests of fairness I’ve decided to stay neutral, that way I can bend whichever way the wind is blowing at the time.
It probably would have brought closure if Daniel had denied the accusations being levelled at him, but whilst giving his side of the story, he's failed to do that, which seems to add credibility to the Clubs reasons for curtailing his employment
Pinnock....undersold pay off debt (thought we were even here) replacement Or we could quote the £100 million debt model he quoted in the interview.....whaaaat!!! Or if we get really tired and want to to win an argument, we can bring up Bury and you know whst next time someone does that im going to counter with Preston and Burnley. Profit is not a dirty but there are tweaks to our plan that could bear further investigation and would take a very very small fraction of the £100 million! Let me repeat this from fitzytyke ...if we are relegated this season but make a profit.....would that mean success?..... and then that happens the following year and then the following year. My question........what price profit? what price sucess?
The last figures released show not one Championship making a profit(excluding player trading) with us one of the more ‘successful’ ones with only a 1.4 million loss. Burnley also lost money in their promotion season but since have made excellent profits. I think the reality is you won’t make money from day to day operating and the real money is clearly in the Premier and even with Player trading you won’t make significant monies. The real acid test will be when the accounts are released
agreed too, hopefully lessons have been learnt, that there can be an in between. Time will tell.........
Argument? Are we having an argument? I thought it was an exchange of views The main reason for my post was to point out that the board have not ripped teams apart and that profit is not the dirty word that it is made out to be. I was not trying to justify everything that the board has done as is shown in my response to Redhelen. And as for Bolton, if you wish to ignore what’s happened there then feel free, but I don’t.
That is argument.....errr i thought? When i say it could be argued etc..i mean at the level of conversation...taking a view and stating it to the reverse of the original. Nothing meant by that on my part. Bolton is shoved down our throat every 2 mins i dont choose to ignore it but using it as a kind of excuse that that there is our way or boltons is no where near the truth. I actually commented (previously) that i dont want the board out and i actually believe in most of the plan. However it is as inflexible as a hardboard in board factory on another piece of hardboard!! There is zero flexibility in "the plan" We have some talented footballers at our club imho, who are no where near this level 2 or 3 who are. .with a 2 to 3 loans this squad we be far more competitive in this bring on our young wouldn't cost £100 million to do this or turn us into Bolton...i believe this inflexibility is a serious failing on our boards was not engaging with the fans and the latest spin on stendel and the Nice experience scares the hell out of me.
I know getting to where my expectation levels are becoming less and less. Trimm i ng the squad will be a priority, so i can see 4 or 5 out and maybe 2 in...please god keep mowatt and woody!!
Well you're absolutely right about this entire sorry situation and that none of it makes sense. I don't know if Daniel was in talks with other clubs and trying to take his staff with him; I would like to know all the details. I happen to think that Daniel was forced into a situation he didn't want to be in and reacted in a way that he felt was appropriate - if my suspicions are correct then I fully support him. As I said last night, he was happy here and something changed, something he felt was insurmountable and I would bet that I can guess what it was.