No she hasn’t attacked labour though has she . She was fed up of the publicity but she took it because she was in despair . Now her son is ok naturally she wants to get on with her life but at the time she feared for her son. But it will happen to someone else because theirs little investment other than profit making arms of the NHS.
Why has she pilloried Corbyn ? I’ve not seen this at all !! The news agencies she allowed to get the pictures put it out there . it was a reporter who confronted Boris ,it was journalists who ran with the story ,
Hi Brampton, I assume from your post that you are not voting Labour or LibDems and are therefore voting for a Brexit supporting party. As someone who also lives in Brampton and is currently employed in an industry that relies extensively on Freedom of Movement and access to the Single Market, which currently brings in over £42bn per year in sales from the EU at a surplus which is expected to face a significant fall as a result of Brexit (65% being no deal, 60% Boris's deal - which is equal to ~£24-26bn per year or about 15x the entire output of the fishing industry in the UK), can you explain please why you would vote for something that is highly likely to force me to leave the UK to maintain my current lifestyle, or progress within my chosen industry? Thanks in advance.
Apologies, she attacked all political parties using her sons picture and him as apolitical football, but he could have stopped it. Only mentioned JC as on here it seems to be only him or Johnson that get brought up. The mother obviously wanted to help her very sick child and was desperately reaching out in any direction to get it done, as you would . Her only concern was for her child she wasn’t in a state of mind to realise the ramifications that would follow. Journalists are by and large, de sensitised scum you can champion the case of the NHS without using actual people without their permission to pursue it. Seen quite a few bits of political interviews ( I usually turn them off) using the lad for political gain, the only exception being the Tories who are obviously trying to avoid it at all costs. Cons
You can vote for who you want my friend. Why would i vote for a party just so a bloke on bbs doesn't have to move jobs. Never know moving abroad might the making of you.... your welcome in advance....
I knew hadn’t seen the bit about Corbyn . I think same as you she was in despair of her son and his predicament , however imo she wanted at the time all the publicity or whatever to get attention for her son to help him as she probably felt helpless at the time which tbf mist of us would have done to help our loved ones . Now her son is thankfully ok she does not wanting the attention which is also understandable . But the situation happened and it shouldn’t be happening and I don’t think for one minute this is an isolated case . But it should be highlighted and bring the situation to light otherwise as we all know if we keep quiete it will happen again . She highlighted it whilst in despair and imo she should be thinking of others in that situation dismissing it now her boys thankfully ok when at the time he wasn’t she wanted help .
Why would any Tory help anyone else ? It just doesn’t happen , Everyman for himself not the survival of the fittest survival of the richest .
The outter outrage on here just because you dont vote labour is really sad. Its like pitch folks at dawn and chasing you out of town to getaway music. Or just name calling because thats not childish and pathetic at all. Soon be Friday morning......
I've asked you very politely what draws you to voting Conservative so I can try to understand and also provided reassurances that I wouldn't have a go at you about it but for some bizarre reason you won't answer. Fair enough, but it begs the question why get involved in a political debate if you're not willing to discuss your opinions?!?! Have you ever considered that if you and others explained your rationale rather than chipping in with the odd comment attacking Corbyn here and there that repeats the same stuff then people might not respond so aggressively??? Just makes you come across as a bit of a knob to be honest.
Your as guilty as anyone on here for mocking and name calling and then when it’s returned you don’t like it . Meh
I also asked him a very fair, measured question earlier on, without any insult or judgement. Unsurprisingly, that has also gone unanswered.
I don't get it mate at all. I'm quite happy to explain to anyone if I'm in a political thread why I would vote the way I do. If I didn't want to explain my reasons for fear of abuse or whatever, then I wouldn't get involved in said political threads. Quite simple really. I've not seen a single comment on here over the past few months explaining why someone would vote anything other than Labour... all you get back is because Corbyn hates jews or Labour has betrayed the area. That alone is not a reason in my book to vote for someone else, I would need to like their manifesto. All I'm asking is what draws them to it. If it's because they'll be better off financially and they believe XYZ party will deal with a certain issue better, fair enough. To repeat the same ***** in every thread though just makes you look a total ****, especially in such a Labour dominant area.
I don't think it's utter outrage because people don't vote Labour. I think it's incredulity that many many people appear to be tacitly supporting a political party (the Tories) which seems to be hell bent on underfunding/privatising what's left of the NHS and which have continually underfunded areas like Barnsley so we have one of the worst Government-funded budget grants in the entire UK. Whoever you vote for is up to you but be aware what the INTENT of the Conservatives is when you mark your 'X'
What is the point of me saying why i vote or x y or z. If its not labour im an idiot or a this or that. End of day im wrong wrong wrong. I understand im in the minority on here but its like your opinion is not valid unless you agree with everyone else. Very similar to the club men of BFC either agree with them or you are wrong and cue more outrage.....
You don't give an opinion though, that is the problem, you just slate the opposition as do many others like you without giving any reason for voting elsewhere. I offered you the opportunity to explain without fear of criticism and you've been a knob about it. Like I say if you don't want to have a reasonable debate don't get involved and then you won't have to put up with any abuse will you??? Putting the odd childish throw-away comment in like you did at the start of this thread- clearly to get a reaction- isn't going to get people onside is it?! Nor is it going to educate people as to why another party might suit them better. Use a bit of common sense, old bean. "Im going to read and comment on a pro-Labour thread by saying I won't vote for them, but I won't tell anyone why voting Tory is better for me".... cracking contribution