Halmes played well the 2 games he has played in defensive midfield he brakes up play well wins headers etc. Dougall was abysmal against stoke one of the worst individual performances from a reds player this season. So not sure why people are so confused. Dougall is a decent laiker but jesus people make out asif he kante of something bit over hyped by some for me.
I’ not talking about other games just the Hull game. We deservedly won that game on merit and not down to pure luck. ‘What ifs’ happened to both sides, so we either count them for both teams or not at all.
You could say what if yesterday if we had been given the pen when flint pushed chaplin in the back which would have made it 3-1 had we converted it.
As I’ve said, my point was about the Hull game only. Incidentally, I feel the scorer of the winning goal still being on the pitch from an incident earlier, was more of a ‘what if’ Perhaps if Anderson had made more of it and gone down like he’d been hit by a bulldozer?
Maybe he's benched because with him being out of contact in the summer... He'll be on his way in Jan, we've had/know of an offer and been told not to play him in case of injury. Money money money...