Shame why?? Gutless labour MP’s coming out to lay the blame at Corbyns door but did nothing prior to the election. Labour are a joke and the public have told them so
My brother. Voted tory. Brought up in barnsley lives in chester . Wat a ******. Ive already told him i dont have a brother anymore
Why are the left so hateful of anyone with an opposite view ? I thought Corbyns left were for the many ?
Its a joke tbh. The dogs abuse we have all suffered for thinking differently to the red point of view. Should have sorted their own party out instead of having a go at everyone else!!!
I think it's the shear frustration at turkeys voting for Christmas tbh. People who have lived through 9 years of Tory austerity and misery willingly voting for another 5 because they want to "get Brexit done", despite prior to that referendum not giving the EU a second thought.
I'm not entirely comfortable with this. Any vitriol should be aimed towards the party not the voters.
Is that really what it is though ? From Caroline Flint “ we’re going ti hear the corbynistas blame it on brexit and labour remainers blaming corbyn. Both have taken for granted labours heartlands. Sorry we couldnt offer you a labour party we could trust “ there’s the problem, we didnt know what corbyn neutral really truly believed in, he’s a weasel, useless as party leader and like putting your tongue on a battery. Labour now need to wrestle the party back from the hard left. No one wants it.
The country didnt want corbyn or what he was offering, the country wants brexit not a second referendum and more dithering by corbyn neutral. Labour needs to move to a more centrist position, we dint want the hard left and voted accordingly. Once the wounds have been licked I hope that common sense prevails and its the end for corbyn, macdonnell abbott etc. horrible barsteds good riddance.