I don't know if you've ever read Watchmen? It contains a mini-comic called "Tales of the Black Freighter", where the "hero" battles to protect his family against the titular ship. Only at each step he loses more of himself, and in the end the ship comes for him to join the crew. Whilst ever we have social media that can contain targeted messages, it is impossible to fight against. Drip, drip, drip, Corbyn is a communist, Diane Abbott can't even wear shoes, Four legs good two legs bad. And it sticks, You could have Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi and St George on the Labour front bench, and unsuspecting people would be corrupted against them one drip at a time. And when you don't even see these messages, you can't fight against them. And before you know it, Boris will "Get it done" and Corbyn is more trustworthy, more statesman like, with better policies and yet the same people vote for Johnson (from the polls after the last debate). Its not all British either, the Russians are involved (did anyone see the iniital judgement against Aaron Banks in his libel trial against Carol Cadwalladr yesterday where he has to supply documents about his relationship with Russia), but also some Americans (Bannon, etc) and others. So between social media manipulation, promised gerrymandering (voter ID), changes to constituency boundaries and Scotland wanting independence, Labour are unlikely to ever win power again without becoming the Tories - and if they do win power, there is no incentive to change those things.
So So none of the British banks, RBS in particular, had their leg in with CDN s based on sub-prime mortgages? Such instruments if triple AAA rated( quelle surprise they always were) brown allowed the banks to count as an asset. He also agreed to their requests to drop liquidity ratios and set up a muddled multi-agency regulatory system which failed to see what was happening.
I laughed at American voters when they elected Trump. They are the most stupid people in the world surely! What do I know. We have elected someone who runs Trump very close for being ridiculous and a joke. Even the American news stations describe Boris as Britain's Trump.
Unless we had £70 billion doing nothing in 2008 we were going to be in deep doodoo. Can anyone really say that with the Tories or any other Government we would have had that spare. Don't think so my friend.
Really? We have a PM who voted against twice. Presumably cos he thought it was a **** deal. Labour vote against a **** deal and that’s different?
Voted against twice. Voted for once (when he was in line to take over). Caved the red lines on NI and came back with May's original deal. Got it past the first vote then pulled it because it was going to be considered for more than 2 days.
I must have slept through Labour getting elected and refusing to do that. for the record: you prove the point about misinformation every time you posted this nonsense. governments with majority’s make government policy. May had a majority and brokered a deal, her own MPs refused to back it, that has zero to do with Labour. Labour weren’t in power.
Thing all these Tory/brexit party voting people didn't realise that it also not only gets fecking brexit done but also, keep cutting services, underfund NHS, more tax breaks for the rich etc. It's the will of the people or Labours fault probably.
The number people, MPs and public, today blaming Labour for not getting Brexit through has had me baffled.....just shows how the media have managed to spin it.
I can understand that some people might not understand how parliament works; but the fact MPs lie about this stuff just shows what state our politics is in.
It's not just the lie, it's the fact the media don't challenge it. If it is the reason to vote in a certain way then all those saying it should have voted the Brexit Party. Even though I disagree with them I would have understood their reasoning.
So they’ve tried to do something pro-active to help food banks engage with people via an app? That’s a good thing to do - I don’t know of anyone else in South Yorkshire who’s bothered to try it. Subscription? That’s quite cheap. You try developing an app and getting approval from Apple and Google to feature in their stores. It doesn’t seem a money spinner to me! Finally, a number of food banks do receive cash donations to help them. If the app and what it does helps, then why slate it? The cost will barely cover the development. Or is this purely a case of knocking someone who works hard, tried to help the less fortunate and the charities that help them - but happen to be a Conservative..... yup, thought so. I’ve worked in Charities before. The communication to the public is vital. Having 6,000 tins of beans is great - but not so good when they’re desperate for baby milk....
Best thing she could do is not support tax cuts and house the lot , there’s no need for homelessness full stop
If I was Boris, one of the first things I would try to pass would be a law stipulating all Political and Election related publications have to be factual in basis. Even if it was for the comedy and irony of it