Interesting view. Do you think Britain should have held onto the United States or India or France against the will of their people. I know we held onto Ireland but only by splitting the Country, gerrymandering the border and making sure a lot of people were killed. Just a thought.
One of my more paranoid thoughts for the future is the armed forces deployed on the streets on Edinburgh/Glasgow to arrest the MSPs. I don't believe any government *anywhere* have ever removed rights from a population without it ending in violence. This government is going to remove rights from around 50% of the population that don't want to lose them (over 60% in Scotland).
I generally like surprises so am awaiting this one with bated breath. To be clear I take no pleasure from Scotland not getting another crack at independence.
Well it won't be the first time and English prime minister sent the troops in. Happened in Glasgow and Dundee when that horrible fat racist Churchill sent in the troops to exert his will. But times have changed. Can't see anything like that happening. Also the EU and the wider world is watching.
Nicola is writing a letter outlining her demands regarding another referendum as we speak. Wheels are in motion. OK I know Boris will say no. That is expected. But it's what happens next. Not been 24 hours since result and Nicola is not hanging about. Let's see how it develops.
I’m sure you will correct if I am wrong but I seem to think we had our arses kicked out of both France and the States. After the Second World War we were in no state both politically and militarily to keep a hold of India. As for N Ireland it always was and continues to be a dog’s breakfast.
W ell my mates Scottish and he doesn't Want to leave and says he knows a lot of others that feel the same. It’s just that they don’t tend to say owt cos it’s not worth the hassle from the independence brigade.
Tbf if the gobby little cow had been berating me for years and threatening coalitions with others to make my life a misery and then I suddenly found myself with a massive majority I’d bee looking to make her dance anall
I can tell what will happen next. Boris’s brain cell will be too preoccupied with completing Brexit and then negotiating trade agreements to give a monkeys about Scotland
Polls on independence sitting 50/50. So could go either way. I also have friends who prefer to remain. But many more of my friends do want to leave. I still think once Boris starts to exercise his evil on us it will be a no brainer.
Can I ask you? What are your reasons for hoping Scotland stays? I really am interested in those reasons. Like how it will affect you or your family. I think you possibly may have read my reasons for wanting to live in an independent Scotland. And my reasons do not include any hatred towards English people.
Laura has family in Scotland and would I would like to visit sometime myself. I didn't like all the vitriol through Brexit as I think it was unnecessary. I posted my fair share of it myself. In honesty I don't know how an independent Scotland would benefit me and my family. I think if you want independence that's up to you.
Actually, shouldn't the question be why didn't France keep England? After all, they invaded and we had kings of both for a fair few years.
If you didn't like all the vitriol during brexit mate I'd say any vitriol in an independence debate will be much worse. Now this is just a personal opinion mate but my opinion is if we leave you and your family will be worse off. Scotland leaves with oil and gas reserves. Whisky income. Huge renewable industries and plenty other industries. Trident gets handed back. The cost all yours. We won't be liable for any share of hs2. Which Scotland will never benefit from. Keep the cost of the inbred royals and the greedy tories are all yours. There must be more benefits of being independent but that will do for now. Yes I believe we will be better off and England worse off. Hence Westminster's desire to keep us. Its all financial.
America insisted as part of their package to ‘support’ us in WW2 that we had to give up certain parts of the Empire. So you are right we weren’t in a position. All part of America’s bigger picture to dominate the world. Nothing new been going on for years.
We’ve just elected a right wing **** of a bloke with a large majority . Independence is nailed on Ian all Nicola has to do is sit back and the the lampoons In Westminster do the work for her .
I actually think he will try really hard. He wants to be popular and remembered as a success . He’s now won loads of new areas and knows if he can deliver they as a party are made for years.