Damage has been done. No amount of goodwill and false promises will change the Scottish opinion of him
I think those nice Brexit people will love it when Scotland takes the best fishing grounds with it. If NI goes too, it leave England and Wales with not much to fish.
There’s no chance on earth Boris will risk losing an indi-ref, so it’s not happening for 5 years. Even if there was a referendum, we will be out of the EU so Scotland would be trying to enter with as non-EU currency. Even then the EU would impose such eye watering tight budget requirements they would be politically unacceptable. No, I don’t see it happening.
You are right they aren’t that simple, I’m a labour voter and also a leave voter, and I know many more like me, so it’s very difficult to put any logic in to who voted what and when
If the vote went 52-48 to leave do you think sturgeon would allow the remainers the chance of a second referendum
If Scotland becomes independent, I'll swap my Mongolian tent for any sort of living space in the Homeland - for I am a proud Armstrong and will head north to rejoin the rest of my Clan....
so lets assume there is a new referendum for Scotland to leave the union. Lets also suppose its succesful. What would then happen to the NHS, DHSS, DVLC, armed forces, civil services etc etc etc in Scotland .... thats a big lot of issues...... Also what about the currency ?
Don't you know that we in Scotland have our own health service which continually out performs your English one. DHSS the same. I'm sure we can have our own dvlc. Armed forces will be run along the Irish model. Oh and that old chestnut, currency. The Scottish pound or perhaps a more valuable euro. Dragon you are at it again. Finding reasons for Scotland not to leave. Didn't realise you cared for us so much. But Ken what? Dinna you worry about us. We will be fine. I'd say we will be leaving you with much more to bother about. You really do have an unhealthy obsession over us.
Actually Ian, they were genuine questions from me. A good many British armed forces bases in Scotland also the border malarkey in Ireland re - Brexit.... would there be an issue with that with Scotland. These are all real questions mate.
Cloud cuckoo land on here with heart ruling head. Scotland don't have the financial clout to start out on their own. Membership fo the EU would take years and with no support from Westmisnter via the Barnett fomula, Scotland would be unable to meet the necessary criteria to join the EU as an independent state. They also need a currency as the pound would not be available to them, and would have to set up embassies border controls etc.
Dragon for years the Mod has been closing and down grading military bases all around Scotland. Obviously in preparation for the imminent Scotland departure. Only one airbase in Morray when the used to be two. Kinloss and Lossiemouth. The tracker station in Unst Shetland closed a couple of years ago. Leuchars air base down graded to an army stop over for troops returning from overseas but no longer a front line base. I thought you might have known all this. There will be no need for any border patrols like Ireland as you point out unless England makes it necessary through military bullying. We in Scotland are Peace loving not war mongering like the English.
They have far bigger clout than Ireland who are doing well . Also currencies no issue there’s always the Euro It’s always can’t can’t with some people when they certainly can .