You know that’s exactly what they said would happen when the minimum wage was introduced. and guess what? It never happened! Employment continued to rise and inflation stayed under control. More drinking in whatever the media tells you. The funny part is that the Tories also promised to put up the minimum wage to a similar amount (albeit a little slower) and that’s a good news story.
Course you can compare austerity from ww2, The reasons are different but the outcome would have been the same , Course we had to borrow , did you think we should have had Churchill’s austerity and left bombed out buildings , we borrowed for the infrastructure and to make peoples lives better . Our fathers fought two not one two horrible wars and were expected to come back and left be the same fekin lives while the elite kept their privileges . No we borrowed for the future and made a country great again . We undid they shackles of the elite and got rid of an empire that enslaved most of its citizens . They kept telling us it’s costing too much but we built anyway . So what if we only just paid those debts off recently did you seriously think we should not have . We invested in the country and the living standards shot up . That’s why football and such thrived in the fifties cos people were treat differently and had more spare time and cash because the Labour Party decided to invest in those crucial end of war years .
Labour governments have had a negative deficit (i.e. reduced national debt) in more years than Conservative government despite being in power less. BTW we didn't have *huge* losses during WW2. We did lose about 0.5m people including civilians and military (under 1% of the population). India lost 2-3m - mostly from starvation. Germany around 7m. China and Russia around 20m each. Poland and Lithuania were over 15% of their populations. Those are *huge*. Not to say that our deaths weren't devastating to those affected, but comparatively we came out of the war lightly.
The similarities to after WW2 are striking, in both examples Labour proposed radical reforms and spending for all the people tired and burdened by the toll the war had taken, the Tories offered similar but on a much lesser scale. You could argue that Atlee took to heart the principal of what the Beveridge report was about and based his policy around this (giving hope). The biggest comparison though is the losing party failed to read the mood of the Public, in both examples.
Well misread tbh Although Churchill did have some idea when he was guarded on his rare tours of working class areas especially the east end docks . The mood coming from the tv is of a more caring Tory I must say with their history I’m very very sceptical but I’ll hold my breath , not for me because I hate them with all my strength after the things they’ve done to people I know but for the vulnerable people that were dreading this very outcome and hope they do something positive for them .
I hear what you are saying about Corbyn, I felt the same after Tony Blairs first term, couldn't stand him but I didn't think **** it I will vote Tory instead! It was the brexit position that let Labour badly down, anyone could see it. Brexit Party did it's job, Mr Farage will get his reward some time when they think we have forgotten. I feel for Corbyn as he is a good honest politician, but gone are the days when people can complain if a politician doesn't tell the truth, avoid interviews, racism (except antisemetic)seems to be what the public want from their PM.
Exactly. Johnson was funding his wage rise by cutting taxes - brilliant idea!! Corbyn was doing it by raising taxes - that'll never work!!
It’s easy to blame everything on Corbyn but if you study the areas where they lost seats the overwhelming reason was Brexit. The seats they lost were almost all ones that voted out. The ones which voted remain largely stayed Labour. The common view on here & in general seems to be that if the Labour policies were more to the centre than left wing & they had a leader such as Keir Stammer that they could’ve done better or maybe even won but the statistics don’t back that theory up. It was Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott etc who pushed for Brexit whilst it was Keir Stammer & other less socialist MP’s that pushed for remain to be on the table. The big difference between 2017 & 2019 was that Labour went from having a pro-Brexit stance to a neutral stance. I wanted a second referendum as I didn’t want us to leave the EU but ultimately the general public did & the voting stats prove that & we have to accept it was the wrong move to try & maintain a neutral stance & have leave & remain as options. I’ve no doubt plenty of people don’t like Corbyn, I see all the idiots on social media sharing daft memes about Corbyn & the IRA or believing the anti-semitism smears but I’m of no doubt that the Tories would’ve won a majority regardless of who the Labour leader was. They need a leader that can somehow unite the party but there isn’t an obvious candidate out there. They need someone that can appeal to the masses & falls somewhere between Corbyn & the MP’s that left like Chuka Umunna otherwise they’ve got no chance. If they appoint any of Jess Phillips, Emily Thornberry it Rebecca Long-Bailey they have no chance as they won’t appeal to the masses in my opinion.
Been out to local Wmclub tonight Staunch Labour but lads talking basically that Labour got beaten with Corbyn They were Labour men that just would not vote for him I did not ask who they voted for or whether they just did not vote but different high profile labour men are now coming off the fence and saying leadership was the problem
If Momentum have the power they are rumoured to have you had better get used to the Tories being in power. Just had a quick look at their websites and the apologists and excuse makers are out in their droves wanting more of the same
There is as usual some strange opinions in this thread but fit me it’s simple Corbyn was unelectable for the floating voters. You can blame the media the ignorance of those that didn’t see it or even Rachel Riley if you like but that doesn’t change the fact the far too many couldn’t vote for him The second problem was the message Boris had one main slogan. Get Brexit done. And a 5 point manifesto card. What was labours message it really wasn’t clear. Their manifesto was pretty good but appallingly communicated Finally Brexit was clearly an issue the managed much better by the Tories who were prepared to lie and make promises that are unachievable but resonate well with the voters The fact that labour lost so badly after 9 years of shambolic Tory rule is a sure sign that they have something badly wrong. I hate Boris but somehow he resonates with people in a way Corbyn never did. It’s sad but the first priority for Labour is to pick a charismatic and electable leader. Then they can start to worry about policies.
The only way it seems is to pander to the billionaires as Blair did . This then gets the media Barons on board then you have a chance . Policies are for the dedicated because the media can savage any policy to the masses choose how well intentioned they are . The system is so corrupt there’s no way of breaking in when most of the media conspire together. Mandelson once said he had no problem with greed and his standing in the media shot up . Corruption is so rife at the top of the tree and the propaganda machines set to their advantage we’ll be living off the drips for generations to come. We are only outraged when the media runs a story . There lots happening in our world that’s not covered by our popular media that we should be outraged at but until they cover it it stays buried . Labour will have to work with the elite to have any chance of power imo but let’s be honest they hate the public services especially the NHS .