A lot has been said about this being Labour's worst general election result since 1935. It may surprise a few people that Labour actually polled 10,269,076 votes, which is more than Miliband in 2015, Brown in 2010, Blair in 2005, Kinnock in 1987 and Foot in 1983. Their 32.2% share of the vote was also higher than Miliband in 2015, Brown in 2010, Kinnock in 1987 and Foot in 1983. Seats are like goals though. They are more important than any other statistic. Goals win games, seats win elections. The spanner in the works was undoubtedly the pivotal effect that the Brexit Party had in certain seats. It's a myth that a whole swathe of Labour voters turned Tory, like the press would have you believe. Their vote was only 1.2% up. The majority of Labour defectors turned to the Brexit Party with protest votes. I think they are unlikely to do so again when it is rebranded as the Reform Party, regardless of press assertions that they will be hard to win back. It will also be a challenge for the press to demonise the next leader like they have Corbyn.
Tory reserves did their job and did it with loads of cash at hand. Pissed off leave voters gave Labour a bloody nose for not honouring the referendum result.
And Corbyn couldn't shake off his past connections. Keep calling it media smear but the fkr got the reaction he deserved. They must change course and not just select a younger less bearded version of himself.
Saw figures yesterday that showed the Parties with a anti Brexit platform had the largest increase of votes from 2017, which if true suggests the excuse of Brexit is not correct.
To be honest trickster no one had even heard of him prior to him been labour leader . It was the media who " informed" everyone of his history and it's not like they focused on his opposition to SA segregation .
Deluded. In fact, Barnsley plus a handful of others, was a consituency where the Brexit Party running alongside the Tories actually kept Jarvis in office. The combined Con +BP vote was considerably more than Labour's. Given that, it is entirely possible Barnsley Central, however inconceivable that would have seemed a few years ago, might well have gone the same was as Bolsover. Deflecting away from the fact that Labour support in the heartland collapsed by highlighting Conservative only gained 1.2% (of what??) doesn't work either. Lib Dems and SNP took away a lot of Labour votes (largely due to their anti-Brexit stance) which Labour failed to prevent. As for Anti-Corbyn demonising, that in part is true in certain sections of the media, but is no different to the adverse publicity constantly thrown at Johnson. It was Labour policies ,and in one case -Brexit- a lack of one, that destroyed them. Nationwide most people did not trust them with the economy and they made things worse by adding more and more to the list of 'free things' they would offer which were only 'swallowed' by the young and naive. They even admitted it post Election that they had exaggerated what they could realistically offer. Post mortems are fine but many Labour supported are still in denial and until the party changes direction the next 5 years under the Tories will become 10 especially if by some miracle Johnson can deliver on his promises which, whilst more modest, are somewhat more realistic. Corbyn comes across as a nice guy but underneath lacks leadership ability. In an imperfect World in which we live, wanting to everybody's friend is , unfortunately, incompatible with Leadership. Tough decisions have to be made for the common good which often means someone, somewhere will be unhappy.
Tough decisions for the common good my arse. The decisions Labour proposed to take were not going to be tough for the many, and to be fair they wouldn’t have been that tough for the few. The decisions taken by the Tories over these next 5 years will not be tough ones for them to make at all. Indeed, many Tories will revel in the continuation and the acceleration of their policies to serve the few. It will only be tough on the Turkeys that voted for them and those of us that didn’t. Of course all this will be dressed up in Spin via the Largeley controlled Tory press and media, including Tory Central BBC
You know this for certain because....??? You keep fighting that class war bud. Sadly you will find you are greatly outnumbered by pragmatic people who are prepared to give them a chance, at least for the immediate future. EDIT: Frankly I don't care what a number of academic Left wing 'sooth saye. economists said, It is patently obvious Labour's manifesto would have damaged the UK economy significantly. The costings were allegedly made but before thinks like £53bn costs for WASPI women, just to name but one, were tacked on. All aimed at the 'everything for free' generation.
Anti-Corbyn demonising, that in part is true in certain sections of the media, but is no different to the adverse publicity constantly thrown at Johnson. This is a joke right?
It's funny how "damaging the economy" means cow-towing to very rich people who threaten to leave the country because they have to pay more tax. I'm at a loss why ordinary hard working people like yourself constantly defend their sort. Are you just another temporarily embarassed billionairre? I mean, what's the issue in taxing these people?
Brexit, just in my industry sector is predicted to cost the UK economy £25bn per year (no deal nearer £30bn). Similar amount in Business Services and creative arts stands to lose a big chunk too, so not sure the economic argument works. Not sure the WASPI women qualify as the "everything for free" generation though. Labour lost this election, not because of their policies on Brexit, or because of Corbyn - although both of these had an impact - but because they went for the win and refused to work with other parties. Look at Blyth Valley - first Labour loss, but 2nd referendum parties took the majority of the votes. If Labour and LibDems had worked together Labour would have held it. Same in many others - some Labour, some LibDem, some Plaid, etc.
Barnsley Central - The Tory vote went down by 2.8% from 2017. That translates into just 1,544 less votes. There was no meaningful vote for the Tory party, there was a massive vote for the Brexit Party which (id guess) probably included votes from those who voted UKIP in 2017.They polled 11,233. Lib Dem and green votes accounted for 955 more votes than in 2017. Turnout was down too (2,186). It's pretty clear however that the vote was for Brexit as it was in many (but not all) places.
Hi, Sorry, I got the figures mixed up - the overall increase in the Tory vote was different to the fall in Barnsley Central. I got a tad confused. Amended on the original post.
It is the Tory’s that keeping fighting ‘The class war’They just don’t openly admit it that’s all. pragmatic my arse, Many are taken in including yourself the way you write. The Tory billionaires and the dominant Press and media enterprises played a huge part in this campaign. You’ve only to listen locally to verify that, but then again you’re not domicile in this country, let alone locally so you an get info 3rd and 4h hand and go with that.