Aye - it's about time the BBC and Not very Indpendant gave up with the propoganda and scaremongering. Don't they realise people can see through their biased nonsensical bullsh!t and lies "could do this" " fuelled fears that" "US firm Urge" So - just rumour inuendo and speculation - you don't know anythign you useles tw@t of a so called journalist Barry Quinnell. I agree they really need to pack it in.
Many that will moan about it will be people who holiday in America. Even if it happens it doesn't me we will be forced to eat it.
I think you answered your own question there. One thing that marks out these neo-Tories that post on here for me, though, is their inability to spell or use punctuation correctly.
Well, after Boris won his landslide I did start thinking "Maybe it won't be too bad... after all, now he has a stonking majority he can ignore the ERG if he wants to. Surely no Conservative leader would risk destroying the economy...? Maybe...? Please...?". Then I woke up today to the news that sterling, having peeped its head above the fiscal trenches in the hope that it might be safe to come out, had been forced to duck down again from another crazed burst of economic machine gun fire from its own side. So now we have a situation akin to someone who's locked in a room with a ticking bomb shouting "YES! I CAN DIG MY WAY OUT WITH THIS SPOON IN NO TIME AT ALL!" who then throws the key away shouting "KEY? KEY? ONLY A WUSS WOULD WANT TO OPEN THE DOOR WITH A KEY WHEN HE HAS A SPOON, A CONCRETE FLOOR AND THIRTY TONS OF GELIGNITE SET TO BLOW! HA!" Meanwhile, the international community, who fondly remember a time when the UK government had a reputation for relative sense and stability rather than suicidal insanity, are probably wishing there was an international version of the men in white coats....
I was replying to the beef tweet you posted. We have much better food standards than America and if their tatty low rent foods end up being allowed to be sold over here we can carry on as normal avoiding them in much the same way we do already. But then you will have people who don't want American meat over here because of the poor standard of it and yet when they go on holiday to USA will have a steak or burger.
I don’t want American food or livestock standards over here thanks. I tend not to go to the USA on holiday but have been many times on business and have eaten their food. Because it’s a bit tricky not to. It’s a poor argument. Some people on holiday there finish up in their hospitals (as long as they had good travel insurance). It doesn’t mean they like their health service
I'm not sure we'll be able to avoid all the hormone pumped beef and the chlorinated chicken. If the food packaging is clear in the supermarket or traceable in the butcher's that should be ok but what about if one wants to go for a meal in a restaurant? How would we really know what we're eating? I suspect many food outlets will use US meat if it's cheaper and if asked if they serve British meat they'll just say 'yes'.
How do you really know you’re not eating it already? After all it’s not that long ago that beef was horse!
Missing the point completely. If we allow US products into this country as part of a trade deal it will be all be done whilst lowering our standards around packaging and the like. The Uk government will drop all the UK standards (which are actually EU standards as well) so by proxy you won’t know what you are eating. You won’t be able to walk passed US meat and select UK meat that’s the same as the meat we have now. US farms have already stated as part of a trade deal packaging on all UK product lines would have to change to meet what the US market does. They don’t have warning signs on any packaging at all.
I think it will be pretty impossible to know which is US meat and which isn’t in most cases. As for people eating one burger on holiday in America, that’s a bit different to having to eat it every time you have a meal that contains meat for the rest of your life. People may consider the thought of having it once to be a small impact, like I’d eat a big slice of cake every so often whilst knowing it’s bad for me but that doesn’t mean I’d be ok eating one every day forever.
Did you know, that if only the under 45’s votes had counted last week, Labour would have won by a landslide.
More telling statistic is the Tory vote was more or less unchanged since 2017 - a small rise of 300K Real problem was the collapse of the Labour vote with 2.6Million fewer votes most to either the Lib Dems or Brexit party It still annoys me that the Lib Dem and Labour votes combined are more than the Tories got and even if you include the Brexit party on the Tory side once you put the Greens and SNP in again its a significantly larger vote against the right wing parties - No chance of it changing though
Good point. I'm assuming the sources have been tightened up since then. I might be naive of course. Perhaps the whole thing will push more people towards vegetarianism.
I live in America and let me tell you, you don`t want their standards for meat, there is so much water in it that it`s crazy. Pan fry a chicken breast will see a couple of tablespoons of water out of it. They advertise `Fresh` yet it quite often is still frozen.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/boris-johnson-judges-scrap-eu-21121617 And there’s your employment rights gone you absolute buffoons.
Just watched the coverage of the Queen's Speech debate. Decent speech by Corbyn, with lots of questions to Johnson about what's missing/what's wrong with it. Johnson's response? Completely ignored every single question, repeating the lies so comprehensively and irrefutably proven during the election. Having avoided any sort of scrutiny during the election, he's clearly taking that m/o with him into the new parliament. He genuinely believes he's answerable to no-one. Absolutely shameless, and shameful #NotMyPM