Nobody can be sure Dragon, we can only give it a shot. I'm sure some time in the future, leavers or remainers will be gloating on here saying "told you so"
It is a very bad thing but it will take quite a while to realise it. Then when we apply to re-join we will lose all the concessions we have had and have to adopt the Euro ( no bad thing in my opinion). We are not as great as we collectively think we are. We squandered our wealth (arguably I'll gotten from exploiting the empire) on two world wars.
Good thing if you are a multi-million air and just made a killing on hedge funds like Farage as an example or a bad thing if you are a normal working man who will be made to pay through your worker's rights, paying if you become ill etc.
Not this old chestnut again let go , there must be something else in life , after 3 .5 years I'm fed up with it please let go
Given who is organising it I have a pretty good idea and it’s on the bad side If you and an expert view you could read this analysis which didn’t cheer me up much
Good way of looking at it. Until it actually happens we won't know for sure. By the time of the next election we will have a pretty good idea if it was the right decision or not. I just hope whichever side is right doesn't gloat as you say. It's sad how divided the whole of the UK feels.
I hope I am spectacularly wrong and Brexit turns out to be a great success - I fear though I will be in the I told you so camp. Especially given the way Boris is ditching a pragmatic approach for political rather than good for the country reasons Still one law for the rich if you have a couple of million spare to invest you can buy yourself EU citizenship
Good or bad, I wouldn't have allowed a Tory government with Johnson and his right wing toffs to sort it out. That's just lunacy.
I never thought South Yorkshire would be the geographical centre of the Tory party..... Many have loaned Boris their vote for five years and now he's got to deliver or the area and many others will turn back red.
This is just the end of the start. Expect it to occupy the news for at least the next year, then probably the decade after that. Enjoy!
It won’t be over when Johnson says it will that’s just the start of the process. More widely I hope it’s as brutal and painful as possible. People should know the reality of how they voted. Employment rights have already gone.
With respect FR, your assessment above is a purely partisan political opinion, nothing more nothing less. There's no evidence to support your argument other than all the BS myriad remoaners have continually trotted out over the last three and a bit years in a pointless effort to overturn the 2016 referendum. As for 'expert analysis', Chris Grey on twitter is yet another political hack who doesn't know any more how things are going to turn out post-Brexit than Big Elsie down the f*cking chip shop. Nobody does. That's the point. Brexit and its advantages are exactly what we as a country choose to make of it. Get on board or get left behind.
I’ve a feeling that we will either: a) not get to know how bad it is by the media, govt, etc... just the same as all the benefits of living in countries like Germany b) we will be told by the media and brexiteers that life in new Brexit Britain is so much better because we have dark blue passports c) Turkeys that vote for Christmas are notoriously myopic...
I think that while the news channels will continue to report developments in trade talks, etc, the public appetite for following the consequences will quickly die away after 31 January. Folks will consider Brexit done, clutch their shiny commemorative 50p's and stamps, probably raise a union-jack branded beer tankard or two and get on with their lives. The dilemmas that got us here in the first place will of course remain. So in the early 60's, as the last vestiges of empire were necessarily ceded to independent rule, McMillan and his ministers recognised that maintaining Britain's influence and prosperity had to lie either in closer alignment to Europe or America. McMillan marginally (and with Kennedy's encouragement) concluded that joining the common market/fledgling EEC was the better course. But it took De Gaulle's departure and Heath's rise to power a decade later before accession was secured, to be later confirmed in Wilson's stay/leave referendum of 1975. And after 31 January 2019, we will be back in the same place, needing to determine whether our closer links should remain with the EU, or whether they should align with America. In reality, we'll still have to do business with both. But the big comprehensive free trade deal will have to be a choice between one or the other, because the respective standards pertaining to either are not compatible. As the EU's standards are argued to contain more political 'baggage' then the Conservatives and their wealthy friends and financiers will favour America. Protections regarding employment rights, food standards and safeguarding the environment may well therefore be slowly eroded in order for the Tories' American chums to be enabled to participate in UK markets. You see a lot of people saying Brexit has been so divisive. But in reality, the divisions have always been there. Brexit just brought them into focus. And just as it didn't create the divisions in truth, nor will it solve them. Things will have to evolve as the consequences become clear. I think only a supreme optimist would argue that it won't be a bumpy road along the way.