Every time something negative happens in the next 50years Brexit will be blamed. It is a very divisive subject and will remain so for a very very long time.
Think we may notice the difference when our workers rights protected by Europe disappear. Working time directive / time off between shifts etc will probably all go
Every time brexit is mentioned from now on I’m going to picture a chicken stood on a goats back. That cheers me up no end and is something I don’t get bored of
Brexit and it’s advantages? What advantages are we talking about here? And how are they best achieved by enshrining in law a totally unrealistic timetable for negotiating our future arrangements to replace the ones we spent 40 years adopting. I am Happy to get on board if you can give me some idea how.
It's bizarre the whole "give it a chance get behind it". It's not a new signing who's had a **** first game, it's something that will basically **** us up from top to bottom. Unless you've got millions of pounds stored somewhere in the Cayman Islands.
Hahahahahahaha, yet another response from the immature i need to grow the fooook up brigade, cant see wot thar sees funny, however lets be clear, i love Europe, and i've bin to 26 european Countrys, weather it be on a days trip off a cruise ship to a 2 week holiday, personally i'm not in favour of Brexit, i will also admit i've not voted in 58 yrs., but i will input into a debate weather right or wrong if you dont like wot 'ive inputted read on but dont try to make a mockery or try to belittle me. Ive said it a few times on ere theres far too many opinionated people with a blinkered view on life, you, me, all the people on B.B.S. dont know how its gunna go, 68 million people like it or not are getting Brexit, we are buying a property in Spain and ive held off for ovver 3 yrs nar cos we dont know how its all gunna end up. DO WE. I for one want it to work for the whole Country its just a shame we dunt all pyss in same pot. Merry Xmas Scuba Tyke,
This. Even this appalling govt’s own forecasts had us down for a slump post-Brexit. The reality, for my two penn’orth, will be significantly worse.
Government departments are preparing for the economy crashing. it’s time to let go of ‘we’ve had enough of experts’, to grow up and accept that things are fairly predictable.
Pretty soon we will be citizens of the Kingdom of England the way things are going. A quick reversal of 300+ years of history.
I hope more people want Brexit to be a success for the good of everyone and don't want Brexit to fail just so they can tell people they were right all along.
Whilst vocal, there aren’t many wanting it to fail. But all the experts are predicting a long and painful slump (whether Brexiteers or remainers) and I’m afraid only the gullible are clinging onto ‘we have to believe in ourselves - it’ll be fine’. That’s just not true and has been fed to us by politicians who know it’s a lie. if you really believe that there’ll be no recession because Boris refuses to accept it publicly (note - doesn’t engage) you could explain why his government are preparing for recession?
If it takes as long as predicted before Brexit can be proved to be either a good or bad thing, then most of us will have already kicked the bucket. It's something thats been done for the benefit of, or to the detriment of, our kids and grandkids. I didn't vote for it, but for their sakes I hope it works out.
I haven’t seen ANY good reasons for brexit or ANY genuine advantages for the country that come from leaving the EU. Personally it is life changing for me because I live on free movement around the Mediterranean EU countries and I can’t do that once free movement stops. My current lifestyle will end completely. I’m laughing at your “give it a chance” comment for that reason. I hope it works out for everybody else, I hope it isn’t a disaster but I’m not optimistic. Merry Xmas to you and yours too
Happily for me brexit will work well. For the sad fuckers who will need to pay for private health insurance once the NHS is privatised it’s just natural selection. They get what us definitely coming and will deserve it.